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Forum nameTackle and Boats
Topic subjectRE: Penn reels
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=12&topic_id=3825&mesg_id=3827
3827, RE: Penn reels
Posted by Nufo, Sun Jul-29-12 09:50 PM
>Whatever the best 400 size reel on the market is, that's what
>I want to fish. If that's Penn, more power to them. I'll buy
>them when my CTE400's die. So far those reels have been
>pretty incredible.
>What is SOL? I know the acronym but .. :) lol.

Stripers online. For me it's gotta be lefty. Love my Curado 301 D and 401 TE but always want better. This new 400D scares me with the plastic star I hope to hear some good things about it before I grab one.