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Topic subjectRE: Redear etc. & fish skinners
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=1838&mesg_id=1887
1887, RE: Redear etc. & fish skinners
Posted by salmonoid 1, Thu Jan-30-03 04:11 PM
I am a relative newcomer to the area, so locals can give you better advice, but here is what I do.

#6 or #8 baitholder hook with 1/2 (or sometimes whole) nightcrawler with 6 or 8lb test line. I often use a 100% fluorocarbon leader, but most others do not. I fish on the bottom with the minimum sinker (usually a sliding sinker) required to keep on the bottom given the wind condition, anchored at dropoffs off Storke Flats. I also like either side of Arrowhead Island (stoney areas preferred), especially the back of the Island if there is less wind there. During a year of normal rainfall the dropoff is at about 35 feet. In heavy wind I use two anchors, bow and stern. I am sometimes told to try Cachuma Bay, but I have had less luck there. December and January may generally be best, but the redear have not had a good consistent season this year, possibly due to the dry winter. Always check with the Lake Cachuma marina store for the latest information. I checked with the store once AFTER a slow redear day and found out that there had been an unusual run of large crappie that I should have tried for. Good luck. Now, can anyone help me with my question about the best way to scale/skin/filet redear, and are can opener type fishskinners good for fish like redear?
