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Topic subjectRE: Redear etc. & fish skinners
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=1838&mesg_id=1894
1894, RE: Redear etc. & fish skinners
Posted by salmonoid 1, Fri Jan-31-03 04:23 PM
Thanks Larry. I use a professional butchers' filet knife (the same as our butcher uses, bought at a butchers' supply warehouse) and a professional 3-stage electric knife sharpener, and have no trouble fileting rockfish and other species. Maybe my problem with fileting redear is that they (at least the ones I have caught recently) are the smallest fish I have ever tried to filet and I am trying to get more meat into the filet than I should reasonably expect to get. Thanks again, Larry, and you are so right about redear tacos.