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Forum nameCalfishing.com Main Board
Topic subjectRE: UPDATE
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=698&mesg_id=703
Posted by , Thu Jul-12-01 03:01 PM
You guys have some great ideas regarding modifications to the Coal Oil Point/Campus Point plan. I definitely agree that the current plans need to be modified significantly. However, I also feel that the proposed Carp Reserve is WAY out of line. I'm not sure about this but wouldn't this area encompass Horseshoe Kelp and even the Armpit? If that's the case, then we will be losing some terrific fishing spots. And the impact to the Stardust could be huge since these areas are their bread and butter for the most part.

I'm still struggling with the need for these reserves or parks or conservation areas or whatever you want to call them in our area. I call them an insult us conservation-minded anglers.