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Topic subjecthorsepower to thrust conversion
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=1708
1708, horsepower to thrust conversion
Posted by MDITTERLINE, Mon Nov-11-02 08:38 AM
I've got an 11 foot inflatable that can hold a 3 hp motor on it. All of the trolling motors I've seen are rated in thrust. Does anyone know how much thrust a 3 hp motor has? What about a 5 hp motor?
1709, RE: horsepower to thrust conversion
Posted by fongster, Mon Nov-11-02 03:24 PM
I don't know a conversion, but no troll motor--unless it's one of those 36 volt 107# thrust Motorguides--will ever out power any gas outboard. The main concern is weight. What they are saying is that any outboard over 3 horse is too much weight for the boat (probably too much power as well--but mostly a weight issue). Weightwise for trollers is not an issue as the units basically weigh the same. You start getting into probs once it's a 24 volt and higher unit due to weight of all those batteries. I would get a troll motor that gives the highest thrust for a 12 volt motor. The battery weight is the main concern and I think you'll be safe with only one--check the weight limit for the boat. Be sure to stow it in one of those poly plastic battery boxes with the strap mounted to your floorboard or a piece of plywood.