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Topic subjectJust a Reminder
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=1909
1909, Just a Reminder
Posted by CJ, Thu Feb-13-03 06:23 PM
The spawn is coming.......Just warming everyone up after all this rain.
1910, RE: Just a Reminder
Posted by PHISHnutS, Thu Feb-13-03 06:34 PM
Hey,is that Bass Porn. :*

Will all the rain change the spawn at all?Possibly set it back a little if it changes lakes temp.....hmmmmmmm

1923, RE: Just a Reminder
Posted by fish24, Tue Feb-18-03 09:27 PM
The rain helped the fishing at one local lake in my parts.
1911, RE: Just a Reminder
Posted by brian, Thu Feb-13-03 06:45 PM
Whoa, are those aquarium fish actually thinking about spawning in there? That'd be bitchin.
1912, RE: Just a Reminder
Posted by CJ, Thu Feb-13-03 07:44 PM
The rain will set back the spawn, if the water temp cools or if the water clarity becomes dirty and doesn't allow sunlight to penetrate the surface. I think these fish are just playing. They live in a controlled environment where water temp, moon phases, length of day etc. doesn't ever change. It would be cool to walk in tomorrow and see one of them on a bed.
1913, RE: Just a Reminder
Posted by brian, Thu Feb-13-03 07:47 PM
Yeah that would be pretty cool. Who knows, maybe they can still sense the moon phases and stuff, but you're right about the constant water temp and amount of light and what not.
1914, RE: Just a Reminder
Posted by Chris, Thu Feb-13-03 09:44 PM
Just for the sake of science ya ought to try tweaking the temps and light/dark(day/night) over the course of a year and see what happens.
1915, RE: Just a Reminder
Posted by CJ, Fri Feb-14-03 06:57 PM
Well since it's for science, maybe I will. I can definetly play with the water temp. I've thought about creating an artificial moon replica that I can mount next to the tank and adjust with the phases. Does anyone know if it's the actual lunar pull or visible moon phase that effects fish?
1916, Photoperiod
Posted by Wade, Sat Feb-15-03 08:32 PM
As I understand it, it has more to do with the intensity and duration of the light than most other things, other than of course; optimum temperatures. Roses for instance, and many other lifeforms, can be tricked into changing there biological clocks by adjusting the amount of light and temperature of their surroundings. I can't remember his name but an aquarist got a pair of Green Terrors (a kind of S.American Cichlid, fish) to breed 6 times in 1 year by playing with temp and photoperiod. If you put your fish near a window, I'd bet they'd spawn within a week of the fish in the nearest lake if you made the water temp the same.
Tight lines,