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Forum nameFreshwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectspawn 07
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=16907
16907, spawn 07
Posted by , Tue May-08-07 08:45 AM
Just wondering how everyone's spawn fishing went this year; any cool stories?
16908, RE: spawn 07
Posted by calicokid, Tue May-08-07 02:42 PM
Pretty much sucked for me. I got to watch my buddy catch a 13. That, and plucking a fish off a bed that it had made on top of a submerged oven at LMV were my high lights of the spawn this year. Pretty lame LOL.
16909, RE: spawn 07
Posted by magmaster, Wed May-09-07 06:39 AM
Yep pretty much helmut for me too...of course I didn't have much time to go this year. I had some evenings on the weekend and went Bay Bass fishing instead :-) Less crowds in the bay.
16914, RE: spawn 07
Posted by Zach, Fri May-11-07 02:00 PM
My count this year at the lake is 70 fish over 10lbs. thats only counting the 5 people I talk to everyday

16915, RE: spawn 07
Posted by bassindon69, Sun May-13-07 08:07 PM
70? just this year? Boy you must be fishing some kinda magic lake.
At that rate You will have the most ever caught in just a few years LOL!
16916, RE: spawn 07
Posted by bassindon69, Sun May-13-07 08:10 PM
Oh sorry in shock by the 70 this year lol! I don't fish much bed fishing any more, I only got one on a bed over 10 this year. Got more just fishing.
16917, RE: spawn 07
Posted by calicokid, Sun May-13-07 08:58 PM
To tell the truth, the lake Zach is talking about really is pretty much magic for sight fishing. The water at LMV is crystal clear, like 15-25 feet of visibility. Put that together with the fact that there is a simply ginormous number of trophy, trout fed Floridas in the lake, and there's your 70 fish over 10.
16918, RE: spawn 07
Posted by Urban, Mon May-14-07 04:41 PM
Ok Jake, what does LMV stand for.
16919, RE: spawn 07
Posted by Sacto John, Mon May-14-07 07:28 PM
I'm not Jake but it stands for Lake Mission Viejo.
16920, RE: spawn 07
Posted by calicokid, Mon May-14-07 09:44 PM
Yep, John got it. Sorry about that. :7