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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectPontoon Boats
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=10341
10341, Pontoon Boats
Posted by kman, Thu Jul-17-03 06:17 AM
Someone at my work is selling a pontoon fishing boat for $100.00. There are 3 others who are in line to buy it but I have first dibs on it. The only fishing I've done is from shore. Has anybody used one of these to fish the bays and harbors like the "tubers"? This pontoon is less than 3 yrs old and cost him $450 when he first got it and was used only in fresh water. Are these things safe? If anybody has any insight on a pontoon boat I'd appreciate it. I'm thinking fishing from this might be a change of pace from the usual surf fishing that I usually do. Perhaps my luck will change if I'm out in the water.
10342, RE: Pontoon Boats
Posted by Samurai TI, Thu Jul-17-03 08:50 AM

You should really make this post on the floattube/kickboat forum.

I know a couple guys here in North Cal go out for halibut and stripers in the bays and it tends to be much rougher than down south (where I think you're from?).

They are actually VERY safe and stable. Much more so than kayaks and you're further out of the water than tubes (boats can see you easier). Besides, I'm a freshwater bass guy and LOVE to carry too much tackle on board!

Oh, they're not nearly as fast as a kayak but with oars, you can cover lots of water along with getting to your spots quickly.

Sounds like a deal, I'd go for it in a heartbeat!

10343, RE: Pontoon Boats
Posted by kman, Thu Jul-17-03 09:03 AM
thanks, I didn't even know there was such a forum, I'll re-post.
10346, RE: Pontoon Boats
Posted by Nico, Thu Jul-17-03 11:07 PM
I've tried taking my kickboat out in the ocean several times, in waves up to 4 feet. It's very stable, very safe, and very comfortable. It seemed easier to launch, was faster, and held more gear than a float tube. The only bad part is it's very difficult to clean all the saltwater off of it completely, and any steel part is going to rust very quickly. Luckily the frame on mine is aluminum, but the oarlocks are steel and got crusted with rust after only a few trips. Overall a float tube might be better for the convenience.


10352, RE: Pontoon Boats
Posted by Manuel, Fri Jul-18-03 09:44 AM
Hey Nico,

You used the term "kickboat", just wondering what that is.

I know what a float tube is.

I think the pontoon boat has two large bladders and the user sits on top in a chair/seat completely out of the water and uses oars for propulsion.

What the heck is a kickboat.

10353, RE: Pontoon Boats
Posted by Sacto John, Fri Jul-18-03 10:35 AM
Kickboat,Pontoon boat same thing.
10394, RE: Pontoon Boats
Posted by BURGIE, Fri Jul-25-03 12:36 PM
I am selling one if you miss out on your buddies. That is a great price. They are very stable if you blow them up properly, and the paddles shoot you through the water. Easier to get into and dryer than a tube. If it has a steel frame then you can add all kinds of stuff like meters,bait box,rod holders,lites.