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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectDeep Hole To BKR 2/14
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=11497
11497, Deep Hole To BKR 2/14
Posted by CalicoHunter, Sun Feb-15-04 07:47 AM
Hey Gang,
Launched out of Channel Islands harbor yesterday with my buddies Matt Russell and Mike Blackwell, with the intentions of fishing the Deep Hole and points beyond. The ride down was incredible!
29 knots on the GPS all the way down, anyways the water was a chilly 54.2 when get to the Deep Hole, with a little offshore drift. Fishing wise it was slooooow! With only a few calicos and sandies, although I did get one calico that went 6lbs on the boga grip! At about 7:00am. From there we worked our way down the coast hitting various high spots along the way, but the lack of current was killing us! We did get two more nicer calicos off Point Dume with Mike cranking in a healthy 3.25lb calico and Matts calico going 6.25lbs on the boga (should have been 7+ very thin fish) at 11:00am. From there we hit various spots on the BKR for nothing! Man what a slow day! Although gorgeous weather and on the way back up the line I found a nice little rockfish spot when stopped on some meter marks, I made 4 drops and caught a calico, a ling, and two reds (oops) that all swam back down. Anyways for the day we ended catching and releasing 8 legal bass total! Yikes, but the quality made up for the lack of quantity in my book. All our fish came on 5-6in Big Hammers, with Reef Critter and Red flake Calico Hunter accounting for most of what little fish we caught……Capt Larry…. <’}}}-<
11515, RE: Nice bASS!
Posted by Team Striper, Tue Feb-17-04 11:32 AM
Quality fish under conditions which I probably would have abandoned bass fishing. Nice Job!
A 5 lb. Calico makes any trip IMO.
