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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subject10 incher wins pool
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=11548
11548, 10 incher wins pool
Posted by salmonoid 1, Mon Mar-01-04 05:23 PM
It is almost impossible for a good norcal party boat to be skunked on rockfish. However, on Sunday, against my advice about dirty and rough post-storm water, my son went out on a Princeton (Half Moon Bay) partyboat on the final day (until May) of rockfishing. Trying spots all day near Pigeon Point and Deep Reef not one fish had been caught by any of the 10 anglers by the time the captain yelled "reel up" for the final time. While reeling up, a woman hooked and landed (a titanic battle no doubt) a 10 inch rockfish. You know who won the pool.

11552, RE: 10 incher wins pool
Posted by , Tue Mar-02-04 10:42 AM
AWHH, that sux! I never like bringing home a skunk.
So. Cal. is open to rockies. Make a trip out here. Waters are calmer (generally speaking) & our depth restrictions are 360 ft.