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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectDoheny / Dana Headland / from the yak...
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=9082
9082, Doheny / Dana Headland / from the yak...
Posted by Quietman, Mon Feb-17-03 09:55 PM
Launched the Jarbrew from Doheny and planned on paddling to Dana Headland kelp forest, but the wind was blowing pretty good right in my face, and it was pretty choppy, plus it was after 1pm.

Then I remembered Frozendog, the Jett-I warrier, and all the fishys he gets off the rocks at Dana. So I pulled in as tight to the rocks as I dared and started a long drift all the way back. I had made it almost to the North end, so I fished most of the jetty.

I put pismo clam meat on a dropper on one rod, and dragged it under the yak. I put a rainbow trout fishtrap, 3.5" on my 25 year old diawa millionaire with 12# and dead sticked it. I tossed a 4" berkely power-pulse worm with a 1/2 egg weight, watermelon/red flake.

The clams go bit pretty well. I caught three juvenile sheepshead, the pink ones. I also caught a couple sand bass and a couple sculpin and some unidentifiable, to me, rock fishy-looking things. all around and about 12" a couple bigger, a couple key-chain sized.

The swimbait caught mackeral and a smelt, plus a sandbass until I was almost at the end of the jetty, then something picked it up and simply swam away with it. I had the reel filled with fresh 12# maxima, and kept as much drag as I dared, then thumbed till my thumb was not too happy, then when I saw there was just a few wraps left I cranked the star and pushed on the side of the spool. Snap! That was it. I don't think I ever slowed it down.

I'm thinking maybe the dead-sticked swimabit snagged the wing or tail of a BIG bat-ray? I'll never know.

The most fun was the power-pulse worm, I would toss it right on the rocks, then bounce it back to me. Caught four Calicos, all keeper sized, all fun. I would have caught more if I wasn't fussing with the clams a lot, I would work some areas several times, and definitely try "rock-hopping" there again...my lures and bait that is ;-)

Since I finished the Jetty I looked over at the "money" spot at Doheny, and decided to paddle it. It was nice and sheltered from most of the wind, and most of the chop. A nice swell was coming in, however, and I passed a lone surfer who was getting occasional 100 yard rights from the outside reef to the creek mouth. Pretty cool.

I caught some YF croakers and a short halibut and that was it. When I paddled in I got caught by a wave from behind, maybe 4 foot face. I didn't paddle hard, thinking it would pass under me, but noooo, it picked me up, and pearled the nose of the FnD. I tried to pull off a bottom turn, got sideways, tried to brace, got picked up and over the falls. Nice.

For those of you who follow the "wader" stuff, I got a great bit of real life experince all at once. I was in about 6' water, so I swam. Got the yak, flipped it right-side up and then swam in various directions getting loose stuff like my favorite hat and my very cool home-made gaff. Nothing else came un-buttoned.

As luck would have it, that wave was the last in the set. I THOUGHT I was following the last wave, of course! So I had no further "washing-machine" rides after the first one. I swam pushing the yak until my feet had good purchase, then waded in with the yak the rest of the way.

This time in the water I had cinched my waist straps tight, and got almost no water in the waders. This includes under-water somersalts, and swimming around for treasured items. I took a picture of my jeans after I got home and took them off. You can see they didn't even get wet to the knees, feet were bone-dry and there was zero, none, no water loose in the waders, just dampness. The waders in no way, shape or form hampered my ability to swim in the surf, if anything I floated higher and moved faster than without one, comparable to wearing a wetsuit like when body-surfing.

So, again no biggie, waders are definetely the warm comfy way to yak, and you give up zero in safety and mobility if spilled. You do look hilarious, so I got a lady to snap my picture for your amusement!

Fun afternoon on the water, but I'm definitely jonesing for a Baja trip, and for the spring bite to get started...



9087, RE: Doheny / Dana Headland / from the yak...
Posted by Croaker Catcher, Tue Feb-18-03 12:19 PM

I haven't been back to Doheny since the last time we met, but I enjoy reading your posts. Thanks for taking the time to share, you just made my lunch break.

9126, RE: Doheny / Dana Headland / from the yak...
Posted by bearcat, Sun Feb-23-03 07:49 PM
newbbie question: what is wsb?
9127, RE: Doheny / Dana Headland / from the yak...
Posted by Grom85, Sun Feb-23-03 08:13 PM
white sea bass
9128, RE: Doheny / Dana Headland / from the yak...
Posted by bearcat, Sun Feb-23-03 08:18 PM
I never fished at Dana. Is there good spots for shore or rock fishing without a boat? How do I get there from 405 & 605 intersection?

9132, RE: Doheny / Dana Headland / from the yak...
Posted by greeper, Sun Feb-23-03 09:52 PM
just go south on the 5fwy, you'll see the PCH off ramp and the signs directing you right to the place. Sorry I'm not sure of the best places to park when you're gonna fish this location, but there is a parking lot I believe near the boat launch area.
9091, RE: Doheny / Dana Headland / from the yak...
Posted by yanni, Tue Feb-18-03 05:15 PM
Hey Quietman, or is it Wetman?

Sorry I wasn't there to watch your mishap but my son was, he was just getting ready to go surfing. By the way, it glassed off right after you left and the swell continued to get bigger.

I made it out this morning with my lifeguard buddy. We fished until 2pm. I was floattubing and he was on a surfboard. Between the two of us we caught:

2 fat yellow fin crokers
2 giant jack smelts
2 keeper sand bass
1 nice 17" calico bass
1 short halibut
1 23" WSB
1 strange rock fish

He was using a 7" lime green plastic swimbait and I used live bait that I caught. It's fish tacos tonite!


PS. I got caught on the inside and got smashed by two waves with 5-6' faces. However, all I got was wet, didn't have to jump ship. Since I wear a wetsuit, I didn't mind the rinsing.