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Forum nameTrophy Fishing Forum
Topic subjectMegastrike info from Megastrike
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=5594
5594, Megastrike info from Megastrike
Posted by Lightninrod, Sat Jan-08-05 04:50 PM
I saw this info/post on another thread and since I and others use it, I thought y'all might find it interesting:

"We appreciate the posts about the Megastrike product.If you will take a moment we will explain a little of how and why Megastrike Fish Attractants help you catch more fish. We found that a bass and other fish can inhale a lure and expel it so fast that you will never know it is there. With tournaments being won by ounces now -one fish is the differance between winning ,losing ,cashing a check or going home empty handed.What we have studied is how and why bass need to ingest ,digest and consume amino acids.They need them for the production of their skin cells, blood cells,digestive system,to replenish their protective slim coatings and for building body mass and muscle.The fish cannot synthesise their own amino acids like we cannot produce vit. C. We either have to ingest it by friuts,veges ,sun or take a vit.C tablet. So what we did was isolate these amino acids and put them into a gel. People think that is vaseline but it is not . Vaseline has a petroleum product in it that is a actual fish repellant.If you feel it, it is a little creamier than vas. Oils,like most other fish attractants do not disperse in water.Kinda float around like a lava lamp and coagulate.Most float to the surface because they are lighter than water.The molecular structure of these oils are completely wrong in the way of being accepted into the olfactory glands and chemoreceptors of the fish They are too large. In order for a fish to taste or smell, the molecule must fit into the receptor. If the oil molecules are to large it would be like a basketball rolling over a tea cup.It just dosent fit. So in reality they just cover up the negative odors. Take a spoonful of vegetable oil and swish it around in your mouth -spit it out and then eat a peppermint. You cannot taste the mint for a while.So in reality again never has or ever will that fish taste that so called fish attractant -it just cant happen.What our chemist also has done was charge the molecules -so when they are under water they repell each other like different ends of the magnets. They move away from each other and cover more of the water column.The molecular structure is correct of the amino acids, that when they go into the chemoreceptors it reacts with the cilia,In turn sends like an electrical pulse to the fishes brain saying whatever I am eating is real and they swallow it.We can put MegaStrike on a pebble and they will eat it. Fish are not intellegent creatures -they are creatures of habit and conditioning.As for the smell -if you can smell it ,the fish can smell it 100 times more.Sometimes the worst thing we can do as human beings and fishermen is close our minds. We tell customers that a bass is not going to come from across the lake to your lure because you have MegaStrike on it but if it is near they will seek it out and eat it. We are are the cutting edge of the use of amino acids as fish attractants -It has taken 9 years of research and development to get this formula correct.You might not think MegaStrike is doing a lot under water but when seen through a microscope it will blow you away. I hope this gave you a little insight of what MegaStrike is about -both the Yamamoto Mega and the original.Think about it -Would Gary put his name on it if it didnt work. Here is a test- next time you are fishing -bend the hook so that you cannot hook the fish. Put the megaStrike on the plastic bait-(Yamys of course)When you feel the bass hit -dont set the hook -just reel it in -watch how long they hold on to the baits -they think its real.We have gotten fish into the boat without ever setting the hook. Give megaStrike a try-Sorry no spell check here. Take care all. "
