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Topic subjectBig bass bed fishing.
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5891, Big bass bed fishing.
Posted by NorCalien, Sat Mar-05-05 05:58 PM
I saw my first bed fish from shore today and I would estimate her at al least 8lbs. The problem was that I was stumped on how to catch her. After coming home from the middle east, i didnt start fishing again till late may of last year so I missed fishing the spawn but since then I've been doing it religiously. I know this may sound wierd, but I feel confident with almost everything exept bed/sight fishing. I can always catch fish where I imagine them or expect them to be but when I saw this girl today i just buckled. But anyway, I tried a dropshot and I tried a senko but I think that she was just to damn smart to bite anything with the amount of boats on the water and people feeding ducks and whatnot on shore. Any advice? Im gonna try to get the first cast on her tommorow from a boat. I just wanna find ou the best way to approach her.

in SD
5893, RE: Big bass bed fishing.
Posted by 59lbwsb, Sat Mar-05-05 07:00 PM
white jig, mission fish, just something you can keep on there to make her more and more ticked off. if she is still there tommorow that is. what lake was this at by the way?
5896, RE: Big bass bed fishing.
Posted by Mattlures, Sat Mar-05-05 09:00 PM
Just throw my bluegill at her. She will try and kill it. put it in the bed and bounce it a little.
5898, *
Posted by bassnet, Sun Mar-06-05 01:33 AM
5900, RE: *
Posted by bass to the end, Sun Mar-06-05 08:02 AM
sallow diving crankbaits white tubes brown black flake tubes
5901, RE: *
Posted by , Sun Mar-06-05 11:14 AM
Bass bedded down will usually destroy anything such as a bluegill,carp or, crawdad,oh and lizards too.i think the trick w/ the latter 2 is to keep the bait on/near the bed as long as possible,eventually she's going to snap thinking her beds being tampered with.try to be the first on the water as well in the a.m. she may be more vulnerable before all the people show up.post us a pic when you get her.
5902, RE: *
Posted by Tm Customs, Sun Mar-06-05 12:32 PM
White Jig, Trick Worm (White or Methiolite), Drop Shot Lizard, Castaic Bluegil.
5903, RE: *
Posted by NorCalien, Sun Mar-06-05 03:35 PM
Well I tried her today and I couldnt stick her. Later when the sun came out i tried to go back and spot her from shore and I couldnt see her. But now im determined at "trying" to master bed fishing. I did stick two 3's and a 2 though so not a bad day. I ran into matt(as in lures) on the water and I'v decided from now on to use your advice on the subject Matt, "Beat her ass with the bluegill".:D

Thanks yall,

5906, RE: *
Posted by Mattlures, Sun Mar-06-05 07:37 PM
I sent you a pm