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Forum nameTrophy Fishing Forum
Topic subjectHow do you 'net a trophy Bass?
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=5917
5917, How do you 'net a trophy Bass?
Posted by Lightninrod, Tue Mar-08-05 02:23 PM
I've always thought you netted a big Bass "head first", avoiding the tail area as touching the tail will cause it to surge away. That's what I was taught a long time ago by someone I respect.

Today, the subject came up on another forum and a friend of mine said just the opposite. He said the proper way is to approach the Bass form the rear and bring the net up towards the Bass. His 'theory' was that if the Bass saw the net, it would bolt.

I tried two "searches' here because I remember seeing an article on this but I couldn't find it.

5921, RE: How do you 'net a trophy Bass?
Posted by BobH, Tue Mar-08-05 05:25 PM
Any fish I've ever netted was head first. First of all once you get their head in if they try to bolt they go further into the net. Second the fins on all fish are swept back so they offer no resistance going into the net but from behind they will snag in the netting making things difficult to say the least. The main thing is to hold the net still and lead the fish into it. Once their head is in just sweep the net back toward the tail and up. Never start taking swipes with the net at a fish that's still "hot" or racing around wildly. One last thing, the only reason I ever use a net on trophy bass is if they're hooked on a lure with multiple trebles in such a way as to block a good hand grip. Those handles they supply on bass are by far the most reliable way to land a big one in my book. Oh yeah if you do a hand grip don't do the classic thumb in the mouth grip. It works a lot better to put your fingers in and thumb out. Then your fingers do the lifting and your thumb just keeps your grip.
5926, RE: How do you 'net a trophy Bass?
Posted by swimbait, Tue Mar-08-05 07:30 PM
Like Bob said, head first is ideal. If I'm netting a fish for myself I always lead it into the net and let it dive in headfirst if possible. When I'm fishing with a partner in a boat, I use a ridiculously large landing net so it doesn't matter how the fish goes in. And I do swipe at fish if I have a clean shot. The net I use is about 7 feet tall and 3 feet across the mouth so you have lots of room for error. People laugh at it, but not once they've seen it in action :) If you're fishing in a boat and you're serious about it, get the biggest net you can.

This is the one I use (with the black mesh)
5927, RE: How do you 'net a trophy Bass?
Posted by Lightninrod, Wed Mar-09-05 05:36 AM
Thank you for the replies. That's what I thought too that it should be done head-first but I didn't want to get in to an argument with my new-found friend. He had me over to fish a club tourny with him this past Sun. It was my first time in a tourny and my first time meeting him 'live'. I knew he was incorrect but how do I tell him without "putting him down"................. I had not thought of the "fins" position though and that makes since too.

Btw, Matt replied to his post and told him some of the things y'all have said here. In fact, Matt said if his partner tried to net a Trophy tail-first, he'd throw him in the water:D .

I have always lipped one with my fingers inside and the thumb on the outside.
