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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectCastro: Hooter Hotdog Houseboat?
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=10356
10356, Castro: Hooter Hotdog Houseboat?
Posted by SLM, Mon Aug-26-02 02:16 PM
> Did you see the floating Hooter Hotdog houseboat?
> They have a menu of just hotdogs and sodas.
> I tried their Polish Dog and it hit the spot of goodness.
> Very Cool People
> they own the small island on the bottom left under Mildred Island.
> They said they’d be open the day of the Tourney.

Hey, Joe

Is this for real? I was in Whiskey Slough a few weekends ago and saw a colorful vessel in the distance that looked kind of like a concession stand from the fair--maybe that's what I saw! Do they have a route or schedule? Great concept...

10357, RE: Castro: Hooter Hotdog Houseboat?
Posted by , Tue Aug-27-02 09:33 AM
It’s probably the same boat you saw.
County fair, red, and white, floating, barge boat.
By speaking to these people
It appeared that they float around from time to time.
They were in front of their house/boat/island
when we oared up on them.

First thing rang to mind if they ever considered doing a floating BBQ.
They mentioned they once attempted early on but it never really took off.

Cool deal I think.
Wish there were more floating eateries on the water we fish.