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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectSCBBBC vs. BASS-N-TUBES vs. RASTA
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=10981
Posted by KDOG, Thu Oct-03-02 08:51 AM
i propose a bet,:), i ebt that the scbbbc willdomintae the the top 20
this year and if we do all you bass-n-tubes will have to take off yoru shirts and wear a bra and we get to tke a pic, and keep it on our website. and if you guys dominate teh top 20 then we will do the pic thing:), or r you guys tooo scared!
10982, RE: Dudes In Bra's ?? This Ain't Rocky Horror Bro
Posted by IFISH, Thu Oct-03-02 10:59 AM
IFISH say's,

if you wanna see a bunch of dudes in bra's, they've got Rocky Horror Picture Show for that........

10983, You're scaring me man...
Posted by Samurai TI, Thu Oct-03-02 12:47 PM
I would much prefer them taking me to MONSTER BURGER! Yum! :9
10984, RE: You're scaring me man...
Posted by swampy, Thu Oct-03-02 03:30 PM
And I'd rather take ya there too!
Just the thought of any of us in a bra scares the hell outa me!
10985, RE: Dudes In Bra's ?? This Ain't Rocky Horror Bro
Posted by KDOG, Thu Oct-03-02 03:43 PM
i was just jokin ha, i certainly wouldnt wanan see your a## in a bra IFISH, but why dont you bring it, i heard you have it, or shwo me whats ya got on the bassin field, and ill put your name to shame
10986, RE: Easy bro, take it easy
Posted by IFISH, Fri Oct-04-02 04:01 AM
IFISH say's,

Hey bro, there's no need for swearing on this forum. Furthermore, i don't claim to be a killer bass fisherman, i do claim to be a BASS fisherman who likes to have fun and not take it to the next level ! Go ahead and put me to shame brah, I won't even be paying attention. IFISH has spoken.............

Posted by , Fri Oct-04-02 04:40 AM
Maybe we need a new location for these opens. One that is far enough away that one group doesn't fish it all the time or get to pre-fish the lake a lot before a tourney. Bit more of a level playing field... If SCBBC kicked butt under those circumstances a bet might be more appropriate and winning it would certainly be more meaningful. Many BNTers only fish Clear Lake once or twice a year at these opens. One of the foothill lakes east of Sac would might work.

Anyway, I agree with IFISH, I'm out to have fun and hopefully learn something to help me improve my fishing. If I win anything, great, if not, no big deal. On Clear Lake I am happy to just catch something knowing that it might be the biggest fish I will ever catch (true so far).
Posted by aparsons, Fri Oct-04-02 05:11 AM
I like that idea too, Clint. It would be fun to hold an Open or Invitational at the Delta, where there is a lot of water & both clubs know it reasonably well. The foothill lakes might be fun in the spring, but the catch rate sounds rather meager once summer sets in. Then again, I've never fished them & don't really know much about them.

Please ignore K-dog. He's trying to build up some Jungle Karma going into this one & has been caught up in the whirlwind of smack-running. He's also probably listening to the Jim Rome show as I type. So, he may have some JK at Clear Lake. But what he lacks is mojo. That, I'm sorry to tell him, can't be taught.
10989, Now that its gone this far
Posted by Lake, Fri Oct-04-02 06:22 AM
I was trying to stay away from this twisted post but I just know its putting thoughts in guys heads about club on club competition. I just want everyone to know where i stand on this. I would never allow BNT to compete in a club on club bet. The reason I still tube and run BNT and hold the Open is to help the sport of kickboat bass fishing grow. Grow as a hole not by club! The last thing I want to get out of control is club on club trash talking whaich would lead to arguements, that only makes the sport of kickboat bass fishing weaker and creates friction between clubs.

I waited before posting to this to see where it would go and I was dead on. Most people were concerned about what would happen if they lost rather then what it could lead to in the future. The last thing I ever want to see is bad blood between BNT and SCBBBC because of some side bet and I believe Todd the SCBBBC president would agree with me.
10990, RE: Now that its gone this far
Posted by FIT, Fri Oct-04-02 06:48 AM
Well said I agree 100%.

FIT "Fisher In Tube"
10991, RE: Now that its gone this far
Posted by IFISH, Fri Oct-04-02 07:33 AM
IFISH say's,

I agree aswell, and i apologize if i've added to the fire in any way. My whole view is fishing is fun, period. I just wanna fish and get away from the hustle and bustle we all call life. I'm sure many other gentlemen agree with me on that, and hope we can all just enjoy fishing for it's peace and serenity. Peace to everyone man, peace....

10992, RE: Now that its gone this far
Posted by KDOG, Fri Oct-04-02 11:04 AM
yeah sorry for brinign it up, i did not know it would stir somehtign up, just everytime i hear peopl talk at the open or invite, tehy r saying we will domintae next year, and we will see about that, and so on i just thought a little club on club bet would be kinda fun, but did not think people would take it so seriously and take it to the level of a feud between our two clubs. just thinking it would make eevryone fish a little harder to represent they're club, and try to kick some *** out thyre on the water, but sorry for the post, and to anyone else, sorry to blast you IFISH, just my trash talking mind going into effect
10993, RE: Now that its gone this far
Posted by IFISH, Fri Oct-04-02 11:43 AM
IFISH say's,

Hey K-DOG, it's all good brah. What you've got to realize is that we are already competing, that's why we're in our clubs in the first place. There's no problem with a little healthy competition, but remember, why put more pressure on a competition as it is. I truly beleive everyone who shows at a tourney is trying hard to " WIN IT ". When some of the guys say, " we're going to win it next year", it's TEAM pride and confidence as a fisherman. There's no, " Neener, Neener, we won, we won ! " It's just showing pride in your Team. I'm not sure if you're aware bro, but we had a fellow ( No Names ) posting mad trash talking, and cursing all over the board, that's why we cracked down on the swearing end of it. We don't want anyone giving B-N-T or SCBBBC a bad name as a bunch of knuckleheads who swears online.

Just know K-DOG, it's all good and i ain't mad in any way, shape, or form. Us fisherman need to stick together........

10994, stick'n together is how...
Posted by Samurai TI, Sat Oct-05-02 07:49 AM
both clubs will grow and prosper. I realize Kev was just having a little fun but John's right, we need to tone it down a little. Most who have been around a little will see what can happen when things get out of hand and we don't want to see anything like that again!

Of course we all have pride in our clubs and like to see how we fare against each other but we are all bass fishermen here and need to stick together to make sure our sport grows. We have to support each other on and off the water!

To both clubs members, GOOD LUCK! Let's catch some fish, have some fun, and get to know each other a little better. Don't be afraid to introduce yourself, teach someone ON the water a new trick, or give a bait to someone you see on a dock who doesn't know what they're doing! We'll all be better off.

Good fishing!

10995, RE: stick'n together is how...
Posted by , Mon Oct-07-02 05:37 AM
other than the kickboat open, scbbc doesnt fish clearlake until our open. so we pre fish bout the same as everyone else ... .so i think its pretty fair if you ask me.
10996, Well said
Posted by Lake, Mon Oct-07-02 12:15 PM
I couldnt agree more
10997, RE: stick'n together is how...
Posted by , Mon Oct-07-02 01:21 PM
I'll be on the dock waiting.
10998, ...on the dock waiting
Posted by Wade, Sat Oct-12-02 07:38 PM
What's that? Did I here something about free lures? J/K
Let's have fun in the sun (if there is much).

Tight lines,