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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectFishing Sunday
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=18885
18885, Fishing Sunday
Posted by Deacon1, Fri Feb-27-04 03:17 PM
As far as I know pending on the weather....Chris and I are going to fish Fountaingrove on Sunday. I think the weather should hold. Anyone want to join?

18890, RE: Fishing Sunday
Posted by basserdave, Sat Feb-28-04 04:54 PM
Good luck guys. I just spent the day at Spring and never got touched. Visibility is less than 6 inches. Let us know how you did at fountain grove.
18891, RE: Fishing Sunday
Posted by Deacon1, Sat Feb-28-04 05:52 PM
Has anyone done well @ highland? I dont really know much about it. If someone could reply before tom. morning it would be apprieciated.

18892, RE: Fishing Sunday
Posted by billythekidd44, Sat Feb-28-04 09:43 PM
flip a pig n jig on the west side of the island where there is a tree overhanging the water with a opening nearby(rockpile).On the golf course side theres a tule island thats good and also in the far east corner on the golf course side theres some tules with a creek flowing through it that seems to hold some quality fish.jig n pig combos of choice are brown and brown and black and blue.gl
18894, RE: Fishing Sunday
Posted by Chris, Sun Feb-29-04 05:43 PM
Both Deacon and I farmed a fish a piece on jigs.
Still nothing landed.

Visibility is 2 to 4 feet depending on where you are on the lake.
We may fish Berryessa tomorrow. Otherwise we'll try the grove again.

18898, RE: Fishing Sunday
Posted by Deacon1, Mon Mar-01-04 08:20 AM
Yup Chris and I fished fountaingrove and caught nada. We tossed everyhting we had. I have a question for the guys who read this....Has anyone ever heard of catching stripers out of FG? A guy said that last weekend he caught a 3 ft long 14lberstriper out of Fountaingrove!!!!! I was thinking to my self B.S. but I gess anything is possible. I mean I know a guy who put 2 4ft sturgeons into Stafford. Who knows. Anyways, then about 4 guys showed up aroun 2 pm and they were tossing senkos into deep pockets in the tules and I think they got 2-3 as well.

18913, RE: Fishing Sunday
Posted by basserdave, Mon Mar-01-04 06:11 PM
I've heard the striper stories before. I used to fish that lake quite a bit and never seen one taken out. Fishing is TUFF around Santa Rosa this year. Even with similar conditions in the past I've never had a year like this one. One things for sure it can only get better.