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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectB-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=23764
23764, B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by CATCHEM_CARO, Thu Oct-14-04 11:18 AM
To those B-N-T anglers that won't be able to make this years Invitational. I would like to say I'll miss seeing you guys there. Every year it seems as if I get to know you guys a little more at each of these events. Hopefully next season I'll be joining you guys for a few more of your B-N-T tourneys. Any way, I just hope you all can some how pull it together and join us in the fun this weekend.

23765, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by Lake, Thu Oct-14-04 11:32 AM
I have agree, I know I will miss my friends that wont be there.

I know some of you have things going on and "cant" make it and I understand that, but if you have nothing going on this weekend, your missing out big time by not joining us. This is the only event open to all BNT members where all 3 regions will be attending.
23766, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by bassinzink, Thu Oct-14-04 11:36 AM
I sure wish I was able to make it out this year, I had fun fishing those two team tourneys I fished with you guys this year, but I just can't be away from the house this weekend for both days. I also still have a rent a car cause my car won't start. My brother got married last weekend in St. Louis so I'm just starting to get caught up with school for what I missed on last Thursday and Friday. I'm taking a couple of upper division poli sci classes that are directly dealing with elections and another in american political behavior so im just overwhelmed with extra projects because of how close we are to a national election.
I wish everybody the best and have a fun time, I know I will be while sitting here typing a paper :)
23767, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by billythekidd44, Thu Oct-14-04 11:53 AM
While I was at the pro-shop at lunch picking up my panther martins I saw Russ and he was picking up some awesome stuff for the raffle.One of the items being a g-loomis glx!:7
23769, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by Gordon, Thu Oct-14-04 12:37 PM
I have a gig Saturday night, otherwise I would probably go...although my kayak makes the SCBBBC guys a little nervous! ;-)
23775, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by swampy, Thu Oct-14-04 01:19 PM
I reaish I could go but I made plans without checking the schedule:o Gordon,What kinda stuff are you playing? I used to be in several bands back in the day.:7
p.s rae you in the market for a new sax?
tenor markvi
bari 1956 king zepher sliver
saprano yanagasawa? sp
I was thinking of some if not all of them.
23782, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by Gordon, Thu Oct-14-04 02:44 PM

Actually I'm playing keyboard in this group, but I did play tenor sax in my youth (I still have mine). The soprano sounds interesting, although I don't know that I would ever use it...
23774, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by FIT, Thu Oct-14-04 01:18 PM
Dave Monteiro
Jeff Smith
Lazy fish
Doug Tyler
Chris Zaldain
Theresa Couts
Steve Couts
Tim Zan
Mark Zan
Larry N.

Ok that is 17.
BNT with all region only averaged about 14 guys per event, this is over the average and not bad in my eyes?

This is who is not going

Dave is in Reno
Gene G sold his boat
Gordon explained himself in this thread
Dani has not fished with us this year at all
Nick has two gigs
Sal hasnt fished this year due to work
Clint had to work
Steve M. may or may not show
CZ explained himself in this thread
23776, wow
Posted by Lake, Thu Oct-14-04 01:33 PM
i didnt break it down like that...not bad at all
23777, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by aparsons, Thu Oct-14-04 01:34 PM
Yes, it's a great turnout. Having over 40 anglers for a float tube tournament in October is pretty awesome.

Good luck to all.
23779, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by BuzzFish, Thu Oct-14-04 02:17 PM
Clint isn't working although I do not have tech backup that weekend. Clint is taking his daughter to one of her "must make" swim meets (3 of these per year) because his wife has to working. Clint does get to fish on Sunday which makes Clint happy although Clint would have liked to make this tournament so that he could donate his $$$'s as he has done in the past. How else can I live up to my handle?


P.S. I am REALLY hoping to make invitationals and opens next year although I will probably make fewer regular club events...

P.P.S. If you all think Clint is just too weird, cut Clint some slack: Clint hasn't been out fishing in about a month and is going through heavy withdrawls.

23783, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by Geneg, Thu Oct-14-04 05:10 PM

Hey Gang

I did not fall off the face of the earth. I bought a new boat
but have to work Sundays. I will do everything I can to make
this trip...If I do show up it would be at the last min. and
will have to do a late reg. ..

best fishes
Gene :)
23793, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by Lake, Fri Oct-15-04 08:03 AM
dude you better show up...no excuses..i have a feeling you dont even know how to cast anymore...come and prove me wrong :P
23784, Sounds to me like Clint...
Posted by jsmith, Thu Oct-14-04 07:09 PM
Sounds to me like Clint is overdue to get out & **STICK A PIG**!!!!! Sorry you won't be there this weekend -- club events just aren't the same without the SWAMP-bro's!!!! We're gonna miss you guys, but I'm glad you'll at least be able to get out & wet a line on Sunday.

Like I said -- **STICK A PIG**!!!!!
23787, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by swampy, Fri Oct-15-04 05:24 AM
Oh buzzbro! Sorry to hear of your woe's!;( It is a sad tale and one worthy of getting a toad to slam your lure :7 Maybe we can get together next weekend and dip a hook.I would be willing to go where ever you wanted. Take the boat naci,san antone hell even the delta Lol
I'll talk ya when i get back with all my winnings!(bling bling):+
23789, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by Samurai TI, Fri Oct-15-04 05:57 AM
You're right about BOTH swamp bro's not being able to make it ;(

Clint, you're being a good Dad, be proud of yourself!

Dave man, you're making me jealous about those craps tables x( It is the best odds in the house and I love how you can win $$$!

To the rest of the BNT guys that can't make it, x( We'll miss you up there but we'll try to keep you updated!

Did I mention we have over $3000 worth of raffle prizes? Maybe a bit (as I can't remember what the other guys have gotten) higher that that?

23790, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by IFISH, Fri Oct-15-04 06:29 AM

IFISH say's,

Now Todd, is the $3000 in raffle gear a clever trick to get us to go ? :+ }( After the " Shellacking " I took at the C.L.Open on the raffle, I'm kool for now. Can't afford it anyway's, damn silicon valley........x(

23792, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by Samurai TI, Fri Oct-15-04 06:35 AM
Trick?!? I have no stinkin' tricks! }(

Well, Nick, we do have a nice goodie bag to give to everyone as they sign up also... :9

Sorry you can't make it. We all know your priorities don't lie with us ;(

Just giving you a hard time buddy :P Hope to see you on the water soon! You have my number, right?

23795, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by IFISH, Fri Oct-15-04 08:26 AM

IFISH say's,

Ouch brudda, Ouch ! x( It's kool bro, I know you just jivein'. Believe me, If I could go, I would, But it's a looooooong road to " rock-stardom " and seeing as how me being a pro bass fisherman is non-exsistant, I got a waaaaaaaaaaaay better chance of going pro there. Besides, If you're in the tourney Todd, I might aswell sign up up for pay-pal, and send you my tourney fee's. At least I won't have to drive 250-300 miles to get shellacked ! J/K

Good Luck out there Bro's ! :7

23794, RE: B-n-T guys that can't make the Invitational
Posted by Wade, Fri Oct-15-04 08:09 AM
Sorry I can't make it guys, I sure would like to. Sounds like the raffle will be awesome! $3K WOW!
I'm finally getting to see my kids after they've been with their Mom for 3 weeks. Between Car troubles for her and financial troubles for both of us, I didn't get to see them last weekend or the one before. Having my kids more 300 miles away is getting harder and harder to deal with.
Tight lines,