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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectSCBBBC meeting question
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=24677
24677, SCBBBC meeting question
Posted by FISH JC, Wed Dec-01-04 02:35 PM
Is it possible to win Angler of the Year with out attending all the meetings?

Has anyone ever came close or has done this?

Thinking- far of a drive to meet without getting a line wet.

Would like to seeing about just showing up at the tournament check-in site. Pay dues and fish.
24680, win every event (nm)
Posted by Lake, Wed Dec-01-04 02:54 PM
24681, RE: win every event (nm)
Posted by Kodiakjo, Wed Dec-01-04 03:39 PM
I don't see why not since the most points you can get from attending meetings is 8 and Todd beat Jamie by 15 points this year! So Todd could have not come to any meeting and still won AOY. So your in right?

24682, I like my way better
Posted by Lake, Wed Dec-01-04 03:52 PM
now if I figuered it out right....win every event, dont go to any meetings and you end up with 500 points. beating Todd by 120points..much more fun :P
24683, RE: I like my way better
Posted by fish24, Wed Dec-01-04 03:58 PM
Yes, Todd's reign of terror should be stopped :+
24687, RE: I like my way better
Posted by FISH JC, Wed Dec-01-04 10:34 PM
That and then some!}(
24690, RE: I like my way better
Posted by Samurai TI, Thu Dec-02-04 09:37 AM
Well...I'll make an announcement here on the forum that I may be out of commission for 1-2 months during the tournament season.

My wife is pregnant and due in late March. Todd "the terror" is going to be a Daddy! :o

I'm giving you guys a chance at AOY next year :+

24691, Huge congrats
Posted by Lake, Thu Dec-02-04 09:40 AM
thats way cool, you'll be a great dad Todd major congrats man
24692, RE: I like my way better
Posted by fish24, Thu Dec-02-04 09:50 AM
That's great Todd...congrats. That makes two Todd's that have a baby coming in late March. This will be my THIRD though :o
24695, RE: I like my way better
Posted by Samurai TI, Thu Dec-02-04 10:10 AM
Yes, Todd, I have some catching up to do compared to you!

Thanks guys. It is very exciting but nerve racking. I just want to make sure I'm the best Dad/Husband possible. Bass fishing will have to take a brief backseat. :+

24696, RE: I like my way better
Posted by billythekidd44, Thu Dec-02-04 10:21 AM
Awesome Todd!Congrats to you and the wife,its good to here you wont be the last samurai :o
24689, RE: I like my way better
Posted by billythekidd44, Thu Dec-02-04 09:31 AM
We thought when he got married it would distract him some(Tiger Woods syndrome)but that didn`t happen.Now we`re waiting for the kids to come along,hopefully that`ll slow him down.lol :7
24743, RE: I like my way better
Posted by FISH JC, Sun Dec-05-04 01:27 PM
Congratulations to you Todd and your wife.
You go big Daddy! :7