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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectBNT 2006 President
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=28522
28522, BNT 2006 President
Posted by Lake, Mon Jun-06-05 11:10 AM
I think we should get some discussion's going on how BNT is going to go about getting a new president and who people think or would like to see in the staff positions. Also if anyone out there is interested in taking on the roll of President let us know.

Thought, opinions?
28524, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by FISH JC, Mon Jun-06-05 11:54 AM
Right off the top three quality guys come to mind
I would like to consider Chris Zelenka, Mitch Teman, and Paul Miback.
These guys have a good grip on what’s going on and on how things should be dealt with.
Would like to see one of these guys or someone step up and take charge.

Leadership is a big responsibility and a representation of this fine club fishing circuit.

This person would have to give 100 percent.
Someone that won't be held up with other restrictions and conflicts would be my choice of candidate.
The person who can demonstrate a strong leadership and strive for excellence will get my vote.

Wish all well

PS Yo Lake, will we be taking a vote sometime before the years end?
28525, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by Lake, Mon Jun-06-05 12:00 PM
Voting is the question, I would imagine it should take place before the 2006 season, but thats soemthing for the members to decide.
28544, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by swampy, Tue Jun-07-05 05:51 AM
I think voting is the way to go.I guess that means we will have to have a meeting of the club.
28549, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by bassinzink, Tue Jun-07-05 07:56 AM
Oh no BNT having a meeting, couldn't be. Yep, I think we should vote on it,the only thing I could think of was that it will be really hard to get all three regions together so it might be more efficient to do it by mail, I don't know where we could do this at to include the shasta folks. Unless maybe the BNT folks could meet saturday night at the delta open, or the clear lake invite.
I personnally feel if this is a position Paul wants he should be the one to get it, he understands the workings of the club on all levels better than anyone. While I appreciate you JC for thinking of me, there is no way I could committ myself to this position, I have many potential options in the next year or two that might require me to move from the area, and the last thing I would want to do would be to have to bail on you guys.

So will the club be able to hire out the duties of Mr. Lake for MC at the Opens or are we going to be needing to find a replacement fo that positions as well, come on I know you want to hit me with a pack of senkos :7
28566, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by mteman, Tue Jun-07-05 11:56 AM
Thanks JC for the vote of confidence. However I will go along with CZ. I believe Paul should be the next BnT Prez if he wants the job. He has always had the best interest of the club at heart and his knowledge of the inside workings of the club is invaluable. Paul has my vote :P I would like to continue with my role in the club and maybe take on some more responsibility as needed but I don't think I could commit as much time as Paul is doing already.

I also like the idea of having a meeting at the end of the year to talk about ideas and concerns. We need to continue to grow the sport of kickboat and float tube bass fishing and continue to grow BnT as a club. An annual meeting might be a good place to put things on the table for discussion. I know this would be difficult with our members spread out all over the state. Just a thought.

I know there must be lots more opinions on this. Lets hear them. I was holding out on my reply to see what others think. There have been 92 views of this thread and only 4 replies. That's feeble guys, every opinion matters. Lake put this out for discussion to hear your opinions. He already knows mine, now you all do too!

28569, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by Samurai TI, Tue Jun-07-05 12:59 PM
Hey Mitch,

Now I've posted! :P

I do think the choices JC put down are top notch and it sounds as if FIT seems to be the one. I know I have worked with him along with John for many different reasons and know he'll do a great job if he accepts the post.

Something that will have to be done going forward is putting down the ideas and direction BnT along with SCBBBC wants to persue. I know much has already probably been discussed about this but it still seems to me we need to work closer together to make all of our futures brighter.

I know I will help if asked (and sometimes give my opinion even when not asked! :P ) and think there could be some big things to come for our sport along with fishing in general. Again, if we work together on this.

As always, thanks for listening,

28582, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by mteman, Wed Jun-08-05 05:17 AM
Thanks Todd, you make some great points and I agree that we need to get closer together on working towards the future. I believe that right now we are on the edge of bigger and better things. For example, what Rich is doing. How cool is that?

28577, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by Doug T, Tue Jun-07-05 07:39 PM
I think Paul should definitely take over for John in '06. He has proven that he is very dedicated to the club and takes everything seriously.

We should try to have an annual meeting but yes it would be difficult to get everybody together. I like CZ's idea for a meeting at the Delta Open. Maybe the Opens can serve as official meeting times to discuss club business mid-season and possibly make any changes that are necessary. For example: no more sundowners!! x(

28587, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by BuzzFish, Wed Jun-08-05 08:19 AM
A couple of things:

I think that Paul would make a great Pres; as many have pointed out he is already heavily involved and has been working with John and other for years in leadership roles. If he is able to commit the time as he has done so often in the past he's got my vote!

About the meeting: We moved away from this in the past but I think it is a good chance for members to meet outside of competitions. What with us being spread all over creation is there any way we could set up some kind of a web meeting? Many members who may not be able to make the drive have internet access. Of if that is too high tech, what about one of those voice conferences where remote folks dial in to hear and be heard?

28590, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by bassinzink, Wed Jun-08-05 08:44 AM
my only concern about a meeting was the shasta folks, now of course I'd be ok with doing a over the web meeting, but before that happens I'd like to see a post or two from a shasta person sometime anytime, :+ I know its cold up there, even more reason they should be comfortable with using a computer. I just think it would end up being too much trouble and those that did get on to chat would prolly be the same folks that would be able to drive somewhere locally in the bay area to meet.
28592, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by Lake, Wed Jun-08-05 08:46 AM
Very few if no SR guys even own computers and the ones that do dont use them or even know how.
28598, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by BuzzFish, Wed Jun-08-05 11:06 AM
OK, how about a conference call? I can check to see what it would cost...

28599, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by Lake, Wed Jun-08-05 11:32 AM
I think no matter what we will need to have either an online, con. call or regular meeting but proballt not till after TOC so we can hold off on what way we do it for now.

FYI: I can do the dial in meeting/ con. call from my office if needed.
28662, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by Chris, Fri Jun-10-05 11:25 AM
Hey! I liked the sundowner.

'Cept the wind. x(
28573, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by jsmith, Tue Jun-07-05 05:57 PM
Well, from what I read here, FIT would be the best FIT, since Mightyman & cz don't feel they can commit to such a responsibility. As for me, you guys know I can't even be counted on to make a quarter of the schedule myself, so I'm certainly far from being a viable candidate.

Anybody else care to step up & be voted upon??? We sure can't let this great thing that John has started *DIE* because of lack of interest, just cuz he's stepping aside!

C'mon, dudes, let's go! Someone's gotta rise to the occasion! Let's see where this next step into the wild blue leads us -- the path has been paved!
28580, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by FISH JC, Tue Jun-07-05 10:15 PM
Just thinking if FIT was to decide on taking on the roll of BNT’s Pres.
The job of Vice Pres. Will come available – this job alone has a great demand and large responsibility.
Just ask FIT :) this guy has put A LOT of time and energy (Hard Work) in this position of current V.P. & the position of Travelers Region T.D.
This guy has done it all.
Also think of the other positions that are going to be available.
Who's going to step up in leading rolls like Vice Pres. ,Tournament Directors, TD assistants or just helping out.

Perhaps will cross this bridge when we all can get together??
Would like to see people step to the plate :o

Anyone with more thoughts?

28583, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by mteman, Wed Jun-08-05 05:39 AM
Good point JC. There is more at stake here than just the job of Prez.
Right now FIT is the VP/treasurer/adminitsrative assistant/TR TD. He also does most of the work on getting sponsors for the club too. Them's some big shoes to fill.

BTW - if anyone has thoughts but you don't want to post them on the forum send them to me via e-mail to kickboater@bass-n-tubes.com


28586, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by Fishcat, Wed Jun-08-05 07:00 AM
I think Paul would be a great choice for pres. I would consider being an assistant where one is needed. Having a meeting at the open is a good idea.
28591, Meeting's thoughts
Posted by Lake, Wed Jun-08-05 08:44 AM
A couple things to throw out there about holding a meeting at any Open's. #1 These are Open events meaning there is a lot of guys at these events that are not and dont plan to be BNT members. If we were to do it at an Open, then I would imagine the only way to do it is to pull all the BNT and future BNT members aside, but by doing this we would be singling out other guys that are at the Open and could possibly give them an unwelcome feeling if they dont know why we are meeting. Another thought is how much the BNT staff already has to do at the Open all of us are extremely busy. Tming at the Open could be an issue as well. Remember last year it seemed like we didnt have enough time to do everything, weigh in then casting contest , then Bobby's seminar, then the raffle then the casting contest finals and it was dark. And to be honest I was about worthless by that point. I do agree with major staff changes coming we do have to have a meeting and there is a very strong chance no one from the Shasta Region will make it, this is why we had the brief meeting at the TOC last year. Having a meeting at the TOC only allows some of the members to be heard and I think its only fair that all members be heard.

28596, RE: Meeting's thoughts
Posted by billythekidd44, Wed Jun-08-05 10:07 AM
In our fantasy football league the past couple of years since we`re spread out through calif also.We have been doing our draft on aim or yahoos instant message service and it has been working out really well.You can create your own room to have the meeting and also hook up mics so you don`t have to type.I know not everybody has a computer but most people do and if not they usually have access to one,just a thought.
28597, RE: Meeting's thoughts
Posted by Fishcat, Wed Jun-08-05 10:09 AM
Good points John, maybe we should just have an end of the season meeting like before to discuss the issues.
28600, RE: Meeting's thoughts
Posted by mteman, Wed Jun-08-05 11:44 AM
I agree with everything you said here John. Everybody who wants to be heard needs to have that chance. The opens are a place where most everybody gets together but I don't think they should be about business. The Opens should be for fishin and fun. :+
28621, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by FIT, Thu Jun-09-05 08:22 AM
Thanks everyone for your support. I would accept the nomination/position of president, if this is what the majority decides. I know filling John’s shoes will be tough but I will do my best to keep the club moving ahead and growing.

28664, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by jsmith, Fri Jun-10-05 12:34 PM
Just what I was hoping to hear -- right on, Paul! I'd definitely back you! (Any others here care to throw their names in the hat?)
28667, RE: BNT 2006 President
Posted by BuzzFish, Fri Jun-10-05 01:53 PM
I like my name; your hat can't have it!
