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Forum nameFloat Tube/Kickboat Forum
Topic subjectTo run or not to run?
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=6&topic_id=40077
40077, To run or not to run?
Posted by mteman, Mon Oct-06-08 09:02 AM
The topic of running or not running seems to be a subject that people have strong opinions on. Some for and some against. The arguments for and against vary for many reasons and I want to hear what some of your thoughts are and why. For or against.

Here are some arguments I have heard and my opinions on them.

It spreads a large field out so we aren't playing leapfrog all day.
Not a bad thing, we all like to have good water to ourselves if we have the choice!

You can have multiple locations on a lake to choose from.
Again, not a bad thing, conditions vary by location and some will be better than others. I would have to make choice again as to which location to fish.

There is a problem of fish mortality.
No data is available to support this theory one way or the other so I will not take a side on this. I will say that with the new permit regulations in place it isn't any worse than a non running tourney. And If you compare the BnT open in May and the SCBBBC State Classic in October there is a bigger problem at the May (non running) tourney with mortality than the October (running) tourney.

It is illegal.
True, but only when done without the permit that makes it legal.

It's not fair to those that can't pre fish.
I would say this is true no matter if you run or not.

It's not "man" power
The man power rule pertains to when you are on the water. Not how you get your stuff to the water.

You can probably see where I stand on the issue. Bottom line is this for me. I am always about giving people choices and not making decisions for them. If running adds more choices then that's why I am not against it.

BnT is not a Running club and has no ambition to become one. I am good with that!

The SCBBBC is a running club and they always will be. I am good with that!

One is not better than the other, unless you want to take a holier than thou attitude, they are just different. I am good with that!


40078, RE: To run or not to run?
Posted by bassinzink, Mon Oct-06-08 09:40 AM
I like running. I think it makes it a little tougher because someone could have a honey hole, but that someone could also be you.

Prefish plays more in the running game than non running game in my opinion since a general area of a lake may be producing better than another but if everyone launches the same spot everyone is dealing with similar conditions, of course someone will always figure them out better in that area or know the five trees out of 50 that have a good fish on them.

The mortality issue is a moot point to me, like Mitch mentioned the difference between a spring tourney and fall tourney has nothing to do with the conditions in the livewells and all to do with the stress on the fish cause they are spawning, running in summer at night isn't good either but that is just again the overall conditions of the lake and the stress the fish are in not the actual livewells the fish are in.

Most of us have bigger wells on the back of a kickboat then the wells that are in a bass boat unless you have the divider taken out.

Overall I think whether you have running or not some fish will die in tournaments due to stress or time of year and other times of year no fish will die.

I think running is a fun element of the game and makes it interesting, however no running allows for a fun safe time :7 with everyone. I can go either way it really doesn't make a difference, looking forward to having my back healed and back in action to join you guys again maybe in 09 for a couple events.
40080, RE: To run or not to run?
Posted by welder dude, Mon Oct-06-08 03:04 PM
40081, RE: To run or not to run?
Posted by Bassin, Mon Oct-06-08 05:35 PM
It comes down to this, one organization offers one product the other offers a different product. No right or wrong to it. You have the choice to support one or both. The same kind of thing happens on WesternBass.com...when they post the Non-shared wieght vs shared wieght formats in Pro/ams....its simple, two different products that we as anglers can choice from. People will always like one or the other or both.

I was lucky enough to be able to make my one and only trip to Clear Lake for this one. Yes I ran, did it make a difference for me not much. :( I was feelin pretty confident with the solid info I got from a friend that had fished the WON TOC the weekend before. The weather changed all that and when fishing from a kickboat in bad weather it can hinder the ability to access areas safely. But, that is a part of our sport.

I personaly agree with what Mitch says...we all have a choice to run or not if you are fishing with the Sonoma club. At the same time anyone wishing to fish a B-n-T event has to follow there rules. Would I choose one over the other, no I dout it. Each offers its advantages and challenges.

40089, RE: To run or not to run?
Posted by Samurai TI, Tue Oct-07-08 11:59 AM
Well said Mitch.

I personally like the running aspect but am also very comfortable with the non-running also as I think I did ok at the BnT Clear Lake Open... ;)

I'll tell you Gil, I've had MANY times where running has HURT me. Not only do I not have as much time to fish but then find out the spot we launched from was much better! Didn't Mitch spank all of us a few years back at Clear when the SCBBBC crew drove to their "hot spots" but Mitch was the one to take the trophy!

Part of the reason I support the running aspect is it really does put more area into play. I like being spread out and think if someone is willing to put in the time and effort (along with gas $$$) to try to find other areas that it is a reward for them.

I support both clubs and think there are benefits to both rules.

AND, as Rob mentioned, fish what YOU like! We live in the greatest country on Earth...you do have a voice and choice!

See you on the water this coming year!
