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Forum nameThe Calfishing.com Classifieds
Topic subjectFor Sale!!!!!
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=9&topic_id=1694
1694, For Sale!!!!!
Posted by NOSEHOOKROOK, Fri Dec-03-04 04:21 PM
What's up everyone, time to make room for some new gear, so I have the following for sale, A)Chronarch 100 Magnesium, & B)Curado 200B...

Chronarch Mag- $200
Curado 200B-$60

both reels are 9.5/10, recently re-built and serviced.
Please no trades $$$ only!
E-mail- danematejka@yahoo.com

1695, RE: For Sale!!!!!
Posted by bassnet, Fri Dec-03-04 08:43 PM
Dude, I'll trade you James Petersen's book "Secrets to winning over all the women" for the Mag-
1698, RE: For Sale!!!!!
Posted by WellFairFisher, Sat Dec-04-04 10:48 PM
Hey Dane....I'll take the 200B....You feel like shippin it?....I'm too lazy to drive all the way to your pad again.....Warren email warrenus74@yahoo.com
1699, RE: For Sale!!!!!
Posted by magmaster, Mon Dec-06-04 05:44 PM
Are you sure the James Peterson book wasnt "Secrets to winning over all the Men"?