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Topic subjectRE: Not at all on the paint jobs TM
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=13&topic_id=2329&mesg_id=2359
2359, RE: Not at all on the paint jobs TM
Posted by Mattlures, Tue Dec-18-07 02:15 PM
It has the "IT" factor. Some baits look great and have a ton of action but dont get many bites. Other baits look plain and ugly but get bit all day long. I call it the "IT" factor. some baits have IT and some dont.
The punker is special because it has "IT". It doesnt matter if there are similar baits. The punker has already proven itself.
Have you seen a stocker trout? not so pretty and I dont think it looks natural when it swims but my opinion is irelevant. It has IT