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Forum nameNew Product Introductions and Product Availability
Topic subjectRE: Deal or No Deal
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=13&topic_id=2458&mesg_id=2460
2460, RE: Deal or No Deal
Posted by swimbait, Tue Mar-25-08 09:29 AM
My analogy for the BSX is that it is like scent. Sometimes scent is very important, sometimes it is not important, and sometimes it can be a negative. In addition, scent can be a large psychological factor. The BSX is the same way.

There have been times I have felt like the BSX has been very positive. There have been days where I have used it all day and been skunked miserably. There's been times where I've turned it off because I felt like the noise was not as beneficial as being stealthy.

I do think that guys like Aaron and KVD who endorse it do not endorse crap products. When I read their accounts of schooling fish coming up in front of the boat and whatnot I don't think they are bs'ing. I've experienced interesting stuff like that as well.

As much as I would say that the BSX enhances my fishing, from a product quality standpoint, I've been frustrated by the poor design of the box. In 14 months I've had to send it back twice for repair. The first time it took a month to get it back. It's in the shop again right now.

The unit will get hung in the startup sequence, and once that happens you're hosed. Talking with the guy this time around he said that happens when the SD card gets loose inside the unit. I looked inside the box, but did not want to take the backplate off to get at the hardware.

Battery charging and life are also an issue. The unit I have originally came with a 400ma charger. The unit would sometimes charge for 3 days without getting a full charge. Shortly after I bought it, it would not last an entire day. Since I don't have a 12v adapter on my boat, this sucked!

After talking to the support people about it, they sent a 800ma charger, which solved the charging problem - but by then the battery would only last 6-7 hours anyway. In light of all this they agreed to replace the battery this time around.

Another weakness of the unit is the connectors. Two of my connector cables have cracked and started to fray around the "plug" that goes in to the back of the unit. I have a feeling it's only a matter of time until those stop working.

You've probably read my posts in the past about how simple this device could be, as compared with the large box it comes in now. So as much as I applaud the people at BSX for coming up with the idea, I'm nonplussed about the implementation.

I've asked several times over the years about trout sounds. I always get vague answers. My impression is that a variety of other sounds exist, but not for the public. The only stock sounds you get on the box are shad and minnow patterns. It wouldn't break my heart if they made about ... 20 more sounds available for download on their web site. If they had been thinking ahead they would have offered a cable to attach the unit via USB to your computer to get firmware updates and new sounds. It appears that the plug is there, but no cable is available.

I could go on... you get the point. Cool product, could have been done a lot better. If you believe that scent works, and apply that same reasoning to the BSX it will make sense.