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Forum nameCalfishing.com Main Board
Topic subjectLong time no post
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=2793&mesg_id=2793
2793, Long time no post
Posted by Leif, Tue Nov-30-04 10:48 PM
hey guys, i doubt anyone but a few OGs know who i am, i don't think i've logged in here in over a year, but i'm back, hopefully to stay. i haven't acutally been fishing in over a year, as i started getting serious into cars, and all the time and money went into that, well that and school. but now that the end of my quarter is two weeks from being finished, and the track season for 04 is done with and won't start until mid january (nasa hpde stuff in case anyone is curious), i have some time to take up fishing again. so hi to everyone.
