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Topic subjectcal. prop 40
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=1172
1172, cal. prop 40
Posted by , Mon Feb-18-02 03:54 AM
if you like the mlpa you're gonna love this. check it out @
California ballot measures 2002, wait till the primary
election, then try to sell your boats,water toys,fishing tackle
and any thing else pertaining to the outdoors in california.
Maybe you can get an offer on Ebay.

remember i told you so.

1173, I don't get it...
Posted by Leapin Bass, Mon Feb-18-02 10:39 AM
Why is this bad? What did I miss?

This is all I could find about the taxes:

"YES ON 40 WILL NOT RAISE TAXES. It requires existing tax revenue to be spent more efficiently and effectively."

From http://www.voteyeson40.org/

Is there any information out there against this prop?
1174, RE: I don't get it...
Posted by , Thu Feb-21-02 03:48 AM
i might be wrong but this thing looks fishy to me.
lets say you want to go fish at lake "x". you make your plans,
spend a bungh of money to get all the stuff you need,hook-up and go.
you arrive at the lake tofind the gates locked and a sign that reads"lake closed due to the provisions of prop 40. TO wit:due to pollution caused by discarded bait andother refuse,pollution by various types of internal combustion engines,and bodily contact by fishermen,swimmers,water skiers,and pwc users,this facility is now closed to the public." tthey are trying to do this to diamond valley resevoir ,they tried it at lake casitas in the early '60's and its was done to lake matthews before that. all the powers that be need is an excuse,however flimsy,that fits 1 minute ,obscure,hyper-liberal
word of this propisitionto forbid you,me,and everyone else in california from enjoying what your tax dollars paid for. read between the lines and think about it real hard.

1175, RE: I don't get it...
Posted by , Thu Feb-21-02 03:51 AM
2nd post: go to" california ballot measures 2002.com" for complete text. tight lines(i hope) dbajimbo