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Topic subjectFYI
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1366, FYI
Posted by JP, Thu May-23-02 03:37 AM
I was in the Fountain Valley Costco yesterday, and they have Water Skeeter Day Trippers for $120. Here’s the link http://www.waterskeeter.com/day_tripper.htm


If you kill it today you can’t catch it tomorrow.

1367, RE: FYI
Posted by Leapin Bass, Thu May-23-02 05:33 AM

Have you used one of those? I fished a tournament last year in Alamitos Bay where a couple guys had those things. They look un-stable. I'd be afraid to take it out anywhere where there might be waves or swells.

1368, RE: FYI
Posted by AmishEd, Thu May-23-02 02:39 PM
I personally don't know anyone who has ha one, who actually kept it any length of time. Stability? I don't know. I do know that landing fish is a pain and you get blown around like styrofoam cup on a playground. They also take up lots of room.

Amish Ed
You Can't Catch it again if
it's Dead!
2285, RE: FYI
Posted by Banana_Clip, Wed Jan-14-04 08:31 PM
i have the exact same ontoon toube i do have to day i like my waterskeeter and i find it stable. keep in mind that i have not used any other tubes.
2286, RE: FYI
Posted by woodsac, Wed Jan-14-04 09:12 PM
I've has a day tripper for about 2 years now. It's a little heavier then some of the other tubes out there, but we're still only talking about 12 lbs. As far as 'it takes up tons of room'...inflated yes, it's big! But deflated, it rolls up into a backpack size bag.

I like that it's big. You only get wet up to your knees. I've been in about 1 1/2 foot swells (not by choice, got stuck on Success Lake during a hard wind) and I had no problems. Never felt like I was going to tip over. You are more vulnerable in the wind then in a lower profile tube, but I still move just as fast or faster against the wind then the guys I fish with. I think it's because of the 'pontoon style'.

It has 4 seperate air chambers (if you count the little one on top of the 'U' bladder...I don't even use that one). All 3 main bladders have 1 inch valves. I can inflate the entire tube in 4 or 5 min with a bellowes foot pump. And it deflates for storage in under 1 min. It also has plenty of storage space.

I've owned a round tube, Togiak, Kennebec (still own), and a Nevada. The Day Tripper outperforms all of them. I'm not saying it's the best tube out there, but it's definately worth $120. I paid $165+tax, and it was worth that as well!

Just my opinion for anyone that was considering getting one. Hope this helps.