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Topic subjectfish finder for floattube
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1644, fish finder for floattube
Posted by mylessterrett, Wed Oct-16-02 05:37 PM
What would be the best set up for a a floattube. I have looked at the fishing buddy but they look a little cheap to me. What have you guys experienced. i mainly fish bass. so what should i do?
1645, RE: fish finder for floattube
Posted by Ken A, Thu Oct-17-02 04:02 AM
I can highly recommend the Fishin' Buddy. I've been using mine for 2 years now without a problem. It's so compact and portable. I like the fact that it uses 3 C cell batteries in the handle so you don't need to mess with an external battery and cables. You don't need to worry about cables to the transducer either.

IMHO it is just perfect for float tubes.
1646, RE: fish finder for floattube
Posted by Leapin Bass, Thu Oct-17-02 07:47 AM
I have been using a Fishin' Buddy since 1996. I am on my second one which I just bought a few months ago. I have been very pleased with it and the newer one has a lot of improvements. The only problem I've had (and I use mine in the ocean all the time and beat it up pretty good) is the tips of the batteries tend to rust if you don't remove them after each trip (I tend to forget). I like it's portability.

Check out this page for instructions on how to build my Fishin' Buddy holder for float tubes:
1647, RE: fish finder for floattube
Posted by Mickster, Fri Oct-18-02 05:23 PM
I will concur with the posts above- the Fishing Buddy is THE ticket for a fishfinder on a tube. It's portability will allow multiple uses besides in a tube also!

1648, I am happy with my Apelco 265
Posted by Terry G, Sat Oct-19-02 07:05 PM
About 3 or 4 years ago, I was searching for the perfect fish finder for my tube. I settled on the Apelco 265 for many different reasons. It was a small display packed with usable options and had the highest pixel count per square inch in its price range. I steered away from the Fishin Buddy because it paled in comparison to the Apelco 265 at the time. Maybe some of you guys who own the newer Fishin Buddys can list some features or more reasons why I should change over to the Fishin Buddy. I'm about due for a new unit and will be looking and comparing all the features again. I really would like to take advantage of the portability of the Fishin Buddy, but have not seen any other advantages to make me buy it. I'm not at all trying to give the Fishin Buddy a bad rap, just trying to stir up some discussion on it's recent improvements.

Tight Lines,

Terry G.

1649, RE: I am happy with my Apelco 265
Posted by Leapin Bass, Sun Oct-20-02 04:44 AM
The best feature overall is it's portability. I can't imagine having to some how "rig up" a regular depth finder for the tube. It's so nice being able to just wrap the Fishin' Buddy up with my rods, carry it down to the beach and slip it into the holder and instantly be ready to go. I also like it because I can use it on other boats. Occasionally we will take my brother-in-laws canoe out or my dad's ski boat up at the lake. With the bracket that came with the Fishin' Buddy I can easily move the device from one boat to another.

So while it may not be the all around "best" depth finder out there for me it is the "best" one.

Some of the new features (and I got the bottom of the line version) are adjustable gain, filters, etc.

For the type of fishing I do the Fishin' Buddy gives me all the information I need - depth, bottom type, structure, water temperature, and if I'm deep enough (which I'm usually not) it will find fish and baitfish.

I guess it boils down to how much work you want to put into it. Not only installing it but in carrying it from fishing spot to fishing spot.
1650, RE: I am happy with my Apelco 265
Posted by , Mon Oct-21-02 12:09 PM
I agree with Leapin Bass. Also, I find that the Fishin Buddy adapts to an even greater number of boats if held by the special aluminum holder instead of the plastic holder that comes with it. I got my special holder at www.captgarys.com.

1651, RE: fish finder for floattube
Posted by Vulture, Tue Oct-22-02 12:59 PM
Terry G. Havent heard from for almost 5 years. Hows the babies? How about your golf game?
1652, RE: fish finder for floattube
Posted by Terry G, Tue Oct-22-02 04:18 PM
Hey Greg! How have you been? It's funny you posted here... I just came accross your business card about 2 monthes ago while cleaning out my wallet. I tossed in the round file thinking I would never hear from you again. Life's been good for me and the babies have all turned in to little hellions. 7,5, & 3 years old and I'm praying for the day they are all in school!!! I finally bought a home, not too far from the Golf Course. Drop me an email so we can hook up for some fishing. You still competing in the WON tourney?

Terry G.