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Topic subjectcork tape care
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2154, cork tape care
Posted by DH_tubinjoe, Tue Sep-02-03 08:28 AM
is there a way to treat your cork tape handles, besides not using them, so that it doesn't get all cracked? is there something i am not doing. I see this problem on a lot of rods. the corktape is all rotten looking and cracked.

just curious

2155, RE: cork tape care
Posted by E-man, Tue Sep-02-03 08:34 AM
The only think I can think of is covering it with shrink wrap. I don't know of any solution or chemical you can put on it to prevent that, but i'm sure it wouldn't be too good as you'd transfer that chemical from your hand to your bait.
2156, RE: cork tape care
Posted by DH_tubinjoe, Tue Sep-02-03 11:48 AM
ya screw it! im just gonna strip down the cork tape and wrap it with butt cord. much easier

2157, RE: cork tape care
Posted by brian, Tue Sep-02-03 12:23 PM
You can always peel off the cork tape and replace it with new cork tape, not that tough to do. Good thing about cork tape is ease of installation.
2174, RE: cork tape care
Posted by bajadave, Sat Sep-20-03 09:32 PM
Charkbait has color tape you can wrap over the old stuff. You can also lightly sand down the cord tape to bring out a clean surface and then spray with water sealent.
2178, RE: cork tape care
Posted by JerryG, Wed Oct-01-03 10:08 AM
One of the best ways to preserve the life of your tackle (more so and especially reels) is to rinse down your equipment with fresh water after any saltwater trip. The sooner the better. In the case of cork tape normal wear, over tightening reel clamps, and exposure to the sun can often cause damage requiring replacement in as little as one season or some cases even less. It's a realitively cheap material and very easy to replace.

I personaly use butt cord on all my rods. Yes even my 12lb sticks I have wrapped with butt cord. There are a few things you should be aware of if you have never a fished a rod with a cord handle. The tar in the cord will turn your hands black the first few times out. It will also turn your hands rough and calis. In my opinion it's well worth it because once the cord is broken in (process may take 15 to 20 trips or more) it will soften up and create a nice grip that is comfortable, extremely light, it won't slip out of your hands even after it has been slimmed, and best of all if wrapped corectly will last a lifetime or in the unlikely event of an accident the life of the rod.

I was given some old bamboo feather sticks (12' in length) that were custom made and dated back in the 40's. They looked like junk and when appraised they were confirmed as junk but cool none the less anyways after 60 years the butt cord had held up and was still in excellent condition. Not that they were being used every weekend but still it was impressive.
2179, RE: cork tape care
Posted by DH_tubinjoe, Wed Oct-01-03 06:10 PM
I ALWAYS rinse down my rods after use. even after i fish freshwater.
