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Forum nameCalfishing.com Main Board
Topic subjectRead Messages
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=2191
2191, Read Messages
Posted by Fuzzy1, Tue Oct-14-03 02:54 PM
Please explain again how to get the messages to show as "already read" or looking at it another way as "new". I've already tried the switch in preferences and either way it doesn't clear the read messages. Everything since the last program update shows as new.

Also, a week or so ago I activated the "E-mail me my password" feature and haven't heard anything yet. I've reregistered as a new person in the meantime to try to clear the read messages. What's up??????

2192, RE: Read Messages
Posted by swimbait, Tue Oct-14-03 03:46 PM
The way the "mark" feature works, if you turn it on you have to click the mark button on each forum or on the main forum page click 'mark all' to make the messages as read. If you turn the marking feature off, it should automatically mark the message for you based on when you open and close your web browser. If this is not working, make sure cookies are enabled for your browser. One other person mentioned a problem like this to me, so if other people are having this problems, please post to this thread and let me know.

For not getting an email with your password, let me know two things.
1. your user id
2. your current email address
I can check into it.
If the email address in your profile for that user id was an old address, it wouldn't have gotten to you. Possibly there's a problem with sendmail on the server, but I have not seen anything else that would indicate that.

let me know
2193, RE: Read Messages
Posted by Fuzzy1, Wed Oct-15-03 03:47 PM
Thanks Rob, I've got it now - it was me not understanding, not the board. I probably screwed up on the e-mail thing too.

Love your board and the S.B. fishing reports.

Thanks again,
