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Topic subjectA new angler has been born.
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=2250
2250, A new angler has been born.
Posted by AmishEd, Sun Dec-21-03 12:07 PM
We've been a little busy these last couple days. We had a baby boy. He's a little bugger, compared to Mateo who looked 3months old right out of the womb. Atticus Parker Pelissier was born at 1:06pm, 9lbs1oz, 21". He actually looks like a newborn.

Even though we had a c-section scheduled for yesterday, when we got to the hospital Lisa was in labor. This was a big shock since her Dr said she wouldn't go into labor. Therefore, pushing him out was never an option. Until they gave Lisa the choice yesterday. She fretted over the decision for quite a while, finally decided to stick with the c-section as it was slightly safer for the baby and her. It turned out to be a very wise choice. When the Dr's dod get Atticus (Gus) out, his cord was around his neck. Lisa did very well through out the surgery and while doing it slowly, she's recovering well also. Atticus is healthy accept for some inflamation due to the tubes down his mouth and nose. He had a lot of fluid that the nurses had to get out of him. So, he's a little weezy and snores, but healthy.

Praise God for another blessing in our family.

Amish Ed
You Can't Catch it again if
it's Dead!
2252, RE: A new angler has been born.
Posted by brian, Sun Dec-21-03 02:37 PM
Congrats again Ed, close call but thank god everybody's healthy.
2254, RE: A new angler has been born.
Posted by AmishEd, Sun Dec-21-03 05:12 PM
Thanks Brian. It could've been a lot closer. Thank God it wasn't though.

While not quite the same level of blessing, hopefully you'll be blessed with a plastic fishing vessel for Christmas.

Amish Ed
You Can't Catch it again if
it's Dead!
2258, RE: A new angler has been born.
Posted by greeper, Sun Dec-21-03 09:07 PM
Congrats on the lil one!!! I'm sure he'll enjoy plent of surf fishing with pops.
2259, RE: A new angler has been born.
Posted by AmishEd, Sun Dec-21-03 11:06 PM
Surf Fishing, yak fishing, any kind of fishing. I hope. One things for sure though...He'll be wearing cardnial and gold...HeHeHe...GO SC!

Amish Ed
You Can't Catch it again if
it's Dead!
2256, RE: A new angler has been born.
Posted by wils, Sun Dec-21-03 06:41 PM
>he's a little weezy and snores, but healthy

So, who's complaining?

That's great news, amished. Congrats on the addition to the family!

BWT: My nephews' name is Atticus, too. named after the lawyer in "to kill a mockingbird". A fine man he turned out to be. (he's NOT an attorney :))
2257, RE: A new angler has been born.
Posted by AmishEd, Sun Dec-21-03 09:03 PM
Wils, that's where we got the name too. I suggested it before we ever got pregnant. Then when we did I wasn't to hip on it, mainly because we couldn't come up with a nickname we liked. I watched the movie again a month or so ago, I was again so impressed by the character that I said lets do it. Then Lisa came up with Gus and it was a go.

Amish Ed
You Can't Catch it again if
it's Dead!
2264, RE: A new angler has been born.
Posted by CJ, Fri Dec-26-03 04:26 PM
Yeah, I got my wife to name our son Blake after the former Kings defenseman Rob Blake. I'm a long-suffering Kings fan, and something about "Blake shoots, he scores" sounded good in my head. Anyhow, my wife just suggested Caston Rod for our next kid, think she was joking unless that's the way she's telling me she's pregnant again??!!??

Hey Ed, if you didn't get my e-mail, the Johnson family just wanted to send you guys our best. Happy New Year and God Bless!!
2266, RE: A new angler has been born.
Posted by AmishEd, Wed Dec-31-03 10:15 PM
Thanks, CJ. I just saw this, and I did get your email. I've just been a little busy...hehehe...you know how it is. I've actually been in the shop 3 or 4 times in the last month. missed you every time.

BTW, I got a tandem now. Once I get a second seat you'll have to join me for some spottie fishing.

Amish Ed
You Can't Catch it again if
it's Dead!