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Topic subjectPic posting?
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=2988
2988, Pic posting?
Posted by Joe C, Sat Mar-05-05 08:12 PM
Would anyone mind if I post a picture of the bass I caught at Canyon lake Az? on 3/5

Joe C
2989, RE: Pic posting?
Posted by bassnet, Sat Mar-05-05 10:09 PM
Post it!!
2993, RE: Pic posting?
Posted by woodchucker, Mon Mar-07-05 04:24 PM
I got no beefs,lets see this fish you speak of.Was it a delicious bass!:9
2994, RE: Pic posting?
Posted by Joe C, Mon Mar-07-05 07:08 PM
I would post it but don't have the software to shrink the pic.
She was released alive and well.
2995, RE: Pic posting?
Posted by ammaddog, Tue Mar-08-05 08:52 PM
bummer that bass was so huge it want fit on the site!