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Forum nameCalfishing.com Main Board
Topic subjectHelp Need for Kids Event
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=3048
3048, Help Need for Kids Event
Posted by Mike Giusti, Tue Apr-19-05 08:00 AM
The CA. Dept. of Fish and Game and State Parks are sponsoring a Catch A Special Thrill (CAST) for kids event at Lake Perris on June 4, 2005. We have 50 disabled and disadvantaged kids who will be participating in this event. We are looking for boaters and non-boaters to help take these kids fishing and run the event. Currently we have 10 confirmed boaters and several non-boaters to help with the event. The boaters will arrive at approximately 7 AM and the kids will show up at approximately 8 AM. If you signup you will be given free access to Lake Perris on that day. The plan is for the boaters to take a child and an adult caretaker out for a couple hours of fishing. For some kids the boat ride may be all they want and other may want to stay out longer. The object is to introduce the kids to fishing and hopefully catch some kind of fish it does matter what type. We are planning on having a valet launch and retrieval service for all boaters so once on the water you can just take the kids fishing. If you would like to help or need more information please contact me at (951) 926-7561 and mgiusti@dfg.ca.gov or Rafael Samuel at (951) 940-5644 and rsamuel@parks.ca.gov.