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Topic subjectEverstart Championship
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=2&topic_id=3480
3480, Everstart Championship
Posted by palmdale_shane, Mon Nov-07-05 04:26 PM
Well all I have to say is I got my butt kicked. That was the toughest fishing I can ever remember. I never caught a bass for the three days of practice I got in. And on day one I managed a 14.25"
fish that needed to go 15". I was stuck in the lock for 4 hours
on day one. And on day two I got a French fry bass that went about
11"I give the rest of the guys from the West props. My boys Shaun and Paul Bailey both cashed checks.
We need to try and bring the championship out west one of these years and we will see how the guys from back East do.
