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Forum nameFreshwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectCorona Lake 10-31-02
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=6592
6592, Corona Lake 10-31-02
Posted by JBYRD23, Thu Oct-31-02 06:22 PM
     I met up with John and Bryan at Corona Lake today for some great trout fishing. Got to the lake right before six, and got out on the water around 6:30. John and I headed out, as Bryan was still on his way.

John got two nice trout right away, as I got a few little rats. A Bryan pulled up I got a nice Crappie on a Thomas Buoyant. When Bryan came out on the water, he gave me some trout worms that he poured, and they looked great.

We all kept drifting over a honey hole that we found by the dam. There was some people on shore, but they couldn't reach out spot, and they weren't catching many at all. Just one here or there, with the occasional catfish or carp mixed in.

As John left with a nice stringer of trout, Bryan and I both decided to go and get out fish weighed. Bryan's weighed in at 5 pounds, while mine was a little over 14 pounds. We gone back out after John left for a few more hours, but the action was slowing down. All in all I would say we all had a great time, and we all caught a great deal of fish, mostly all on Bryan's hand poured trout worms.    

Here's a pic of our biggest fish http://www.socalfishing.net/pictures/jasonbryancor.jpg
6593, RE: Corona Lake 10-31-02
Posted by , Thu Oct-31-02 06:55 PM
That is one SWEET trout! I wanna see the bass that can eat that trout! So how did it taste?
6594, RE: Corona Lake 10-31-02
Posted by NICKJ, Thu Oct-31-02 11:33 PM
WOW! That is one heck of a trout.I would love to see the bass that would eat that beast. I bet he put up a heck of a fight. Congrats on the big trout.
6595, RE: Corona Lake 10-31-02
Posted by mceehops, Fri Nov-01-02 01:13 PM
What the hell!!! That is a monster!!!! Is that your largest trout? Pretty amazing catch bro. Did she put up a good fight for you?

6596, RE: Corona Lake 10-31-02
Posted by bassnet, Fri Nov-01-02 05:15 PM
shoots, there's a girl in LMV who would try to eat it!! I've seen her myself! ;)

Nice fish you guys!!!
6597, RE: Corona Lake 10-31-02
Posted by JBYRD23, Sat Nov-02-02 06:31 PM
Thanks guys. I made some good steaks out of that fish, and will be on for dinner tommorrow night! Bryans trout worms kicked some butt. Thanks again Bryan.
6598, RE: Corona Lake 10-31-02
Posted by Bryan, Sun Nov-03-02 09:41 PM
no problem for the worms Jason.
Youll have to start paying for them when they are on the hottest thing on the market, sorry. haha.