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Forum nameFreshwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectCastaic Dave...
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=7239
7239, Castaic Dave...
Posted by palmdale_shane, Mon Dec-09-02 05:07 PM
I know your busy and I also know about the problem with
the "Poachers" but when are the standings going to be updated?
7248, RE: Castaic Dave...
Posted by hookup90247, Mon Dec-09-02 11:52 PM
No way...was there more poaching goin on??? What's up? I can't believe it?

7249, RE: Castaic Dave...
Posted by CastaicDave, Tue Dec-10-02 07:03 AM
Unfortunatly yes there is some accusation of poaching going on. The committee will be meeting with all parties involved and make a ruling on Thursday night. But unless someone acutally saw them in violation there is not much to do. The good news is that the winner of the big fish catagory will not be one of those accused, so the controversial fish wont win the big money (if you call $300 big), The other fish is knocked out because Robert is now in third place. The new posting will go up hopefully tonight. I just emailed it to the webmaster to place it up. Dave Keys will have a copy today.
7257, RE: Castaic Dave...
Posted by palmdale_shane, Tue Dec-10-02 08:51 PM
Thanks Dave. Butch got 7 fish today over 10 pounds!
And Robert got 2.

7250, RE: Castaic Dave...
Posted by CastaicDave, Tue Dec-10-02 07:08 AM
7294, RE: Castaic Dave...
Posted by Team Striper, Fri Dec-13-02 11:29 AM
Give me a call or e-mail when you get a chance, I need to see you before the raffle.
Cel. 818-371-4329
7299, RE: Castaic Dave...
Posted by CastaicDave, Sat Dec-14-02 08:37 AM
I just got your message I'll be running around all day, then I have to go to santa Barbara for my sons swim meet. I got an email from someone that may be the reason you are writing. I tried to call him but he is not in for the moment, but I hope to hook up with him in Santa Barbara.