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Forum nameFreshwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectSanta Ynez River, Flooded?
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=3&topic_id=9323
9323, Santa Ynez River, Flooded?
Posted by Charlie, Wed Apr-16-03 03:51 PM
Last weekend i got in a few good days of trout fishing in the Santa Ynez River. Me and my buddy both caught our limit in about an hour and spent the rest of the day catching sunfish and bass. I was thinking about driving to the Santa Ynez river this weekend and doing some more fishing but i heard a rumor that the dam which is at the head of the river busted and that the river is now not accesible by car. If someone knows anything about this please let me know so i dont drive 1.5 hrs for nothing. Thanks and good fishing to all!!!
9332, RE: Santa Ynez River, Flooded?
Posted by Brian 2, Thu Apr-17-03 07:56 AM
There is no way gibralter busted, i dont know for sure, but i seriously doubt it because they would make a huge stink about it in the SB news press (since they never have anything to write about) and on KEY 3 News (Since they never have anything to report about). There is a chance that Gibralter is spilling though which could make the river unaccessable, but i doubt it. If i come up with any more concret info I'll let you know.

9335, RE: Santa Ynez River, Flooded?
Posted by Rude Dog, Thu Apr-17-03 11:11 AM
They just openned the gates from the dam and it is spilling out to the river. They did close the gate at the boys camp, so you cant go all the way back. You can still fish Sage Hill and White rock area.

Have a good one.
9340, RE: Santa Ynez River, Flooded?
Posted by salmonoid 1, Thu Apr-17-03 03:22 PM
On Thursday 4/17 at 4:00 PM I spoke to the ranger who said that Paradise Road is open only to the first crossing of the river. Call before you head up there at (805) 967-3481. Where were you fishing last week: the White Rock- Ranger Station area (open), the Los Pietros-Sage Hill area (open), or the Red Rock area (closed)? Good luck.
9344, RE: Santa Ynez River, Flooded?
Posted by Charlie, Thu Apr-17-03 06:19 PM
Last weekend i was fishing at the pool which is on your left hand side just after you pass the live oak bbq area. It was the best trout day of my life, never before have i caught my limit in 20 min. It also helps that they had just loaded up the stream with fish. Thanks by the way to everyone for the info. Does anyone know how whiterock is for trout and will there be many after the dam let so much water out. I am just wondering if the trout might be further down stream by now?
9362, RE: Santa Ynez River, Flooded?
Posted by salmonoid 1, Fri Apr-18-03 02:58 PM
I believe that they also plant at the White Rock and Los Prietos areas, which were accessible yesterday. Today I heard a rumor that it rained hard there last night and that Paradise might be closed even further down stream than yesterday, but this is just a rumor and at my house in Santa Barbara it only drizzled. Again, I would phone the ranger station for the latest information. Where did you catch the bass and sunfish last weekend? Good luck.