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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectLaguna bassing 4/28
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=1824&mesg_id=1824
1824, Laguna bassing 4/28
Posted by fongster, Sat Apr-28-01 11:49 AM
On Saturday, 4/28, Chris Backstrand joined me on my 15 Gregor, Bassomatic, for some calico bass fishing. We launched at Dana Point and ran north to some inside stones. The shallow stones and boiler fishing was surprisingly good considering that the water was only 57.1-57.8 degrees. We fished the darker colored 4 and 5 inch Big Hammers early and then switched to tennessee shad and brownback grunion later. The larger 6 inch size was productive in the whitewash, too. The key seemed to be using the Fishco leadheads in lighter weights combined with a very slow retrieve. The surf was a perfect size--just enough to create some surge but small enough to allow us to put the boat on the beach side of the boilers. The overcast really helped the shallow bite as it stuck around the whole time. I hooked and dumped a huge halibut at boatside when it surged and took advantage of a nick in my 20#. We both saw it only two feet under the surface and agreed it was close to 36 x 16 inches in size. We ended up catching and releasing 23 legal bass (21 calicos and 2 sandies). There were several 3 pounders with the largest calico 4.0 pounds. We wrapped up at 12:40pm.