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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectLows and highs shore report 5/14
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=6045&mesg_id=6045
6045, Lows and highs shore report 5/14
Posted by fongster, Tue May-14-02 07:40 AM
Was supposed to fish on Jeff's (calicokid) boat but we had to reschedule. So, I went solo from shore nonetheless. My hopes were down due to a bottomed out minus tide at my arrival. I tried 'the spot' Yutaka and I have had success at as of late.

Low point 1: About my 3rd cast I was into a large halibut and as a wave washed it up onto the rock a la Yutaka-style, the jighead falls free--doh! WELL-over legal (later I get a better guess as to size, read on).

Low point 2: The tide was so low, I wandered down a few beaches and around some points. On my first cast to a spot which I figured "couldn't hold any fish" and "certainly couldn't hold anything over 'just legal' if it did", I was bit by something big in about 4 feet of water. The "engulfing, feel-no-bite, just-weight" of a large calico. I had it coming and it pulled HARD. It made two surges that actually pulled me forward on the rock! Then, ping, gone--seeya--goodbye, it rocked me. This was on my stout 20# outfit too. I am speculating, but this fish had to be 7# plus as the several 6-pound class fish I've caught were nothing compared to this bad boy. Bummer.

High point/redemption 1: Wandering back, I tried the first place again. First cast and I'm on. It's a huge 'but (felt like the size of the earlier one, slightly different spot-different fish). This one I lead into a slot in the rocks. Now what? I couldn't reach it to gill grab it, so I try to bounce it. Pop! It stayed in the trough for 4 grab attempts by me--no luck. It was, by guessed length about 30 inches. Was going to release it anyway. What was Yutaka's--10.7#?

High point 2: Three casts later and I hook and land a just-over-legal, released.

So, 3 legal 'buts, a toad calico farmed. All on the 5 inch brown grunion big hammer on a 1 oz fishco head with procure dabbed on. The smaller halibut puked up a 7 inch grunion...Fished from 615-8 am.