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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectkayak Fishing Adventure in Baja, Report.
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=11368
11368, kayak Fishing Adventure in Baja, Report.
Posted by Quietman, Fri Jan-16-04 02:00 AM
Last weekend 21 kayakers went south to Puerto Santo Tomas to Fish.

We had a great time, to say the least.


Is the story with pictures.


Is a photo gallery.

Disfrutar! Enjoy!

11370, RE: kayak Fishing Adventure in Baja, Report.
Posted by rvrfish, Fri Jan-16-04 08:30 AM
Thanks for sharing, what a great way to beat the winter blues.


11384, RE: kayak Fishing Adventure in Baja, Report.
Posted by Wade, Wed Jan-21-04 01:00 PM
Would you guys consider having a kickboater/float-tuber join you next time?
Tight lines,
11387, RE: kayak Fishing Adventure in Baja, Report.
Posted by Chris, Fri Jan-23-04 10:06 PM
Damn, that was good read and sounded like a GREAT trip.
You guys ever do it during the summer?

I'm gonna have to add a 'yak to my tube and kickboat collection.

11388, RE: kayak Fishing Adventure in Baja, Report.
Posted by Quietman, Sat Jan-24-04 12:22 AM
By Quietman

Next trip is the 31st, to La Salinas. You could maybe float tube, it is a harbor launch.

Plans are already being made for at least one big summer trip, to the Bay of LA. Go to http://www.yakfishing.com for details.

11397, RE: kayak Fishing Adventure in Baja, Report.
Posted by Chris, Sun Jan-25-04 10:04 PM
Thanks Quietman. If I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it right. I lived in Long Beach for 5 years tubing for calicos and 'buts and such but I think you guys have got it dialed in. The kayak is the way to go in salt. I live about an hour north or San Francisco now and I don't make a lot of money so I won't be joining you soon but I'll keep lurking the kayak threads. Sooner or later I'll make one of those trips.
Mexico, big fish, fish tacos, beer, tequila & fiddle music in one trip... how can a man go wrong? Talk about "shoulda been here yesterday!" :D

tight lines,