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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectJune 9, 2007 - Island Spirit - giant squid
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=14332
14332, June 9, 2007 - Island Spirit - giant squid
Posted by swimbait, Sun Jun-10-07 12:06 AM
Jason Diamond is partners on a new boat running out of Captain Hooks in Oxnard and with the giant squid going full speed there was no way I was going to miss that action! The boat's name is the Island Spirit, she's big and fishes quite nicely. We ran out about 6 miles to the squid grounds with a full load of about 50 something people.

The first few hours were slow, all the twilight boats were looking around but no one was getting anything. Then the Aloha Spirit started picking up squid and pretty soon they were going full speed. We made a short move near them and you could feel the excitement because everyone on the Aloha Spirit looked like they were fighting or gaffing a squid!

We dropped down and it was pandemonium :o :D Truly comical as at least 30 people were bit instantly. I ran around shooting pictures and then decided to fish some and caught one and lost one at the boat right off. What a riot. The crew was running everywhere gaffing squid, squid were all over the decks, people were yelling and screaming. It was great.

We had another flurry a while later and I caught one and lost one again. I wasn't getting too die hard on the catching aspect since I didn't want to take home a lot of squid. I think by the time we were ready to go there was probably 120 squid on board. We were pulling away to head home when the last 3 guys in the water all got bit. This stopped the boat and the captain said that if anyone hadn't gotten a squid yet, to drop down.

Everyone who dropped down was bit and it went wild again for the dozen or so people who were fishing. Just hilarious action with more squid flying over the rail. Everyone who wanted a squid got one there at the end which was cool. There were even some free swimmers on the surface and Jason gaffed two of them. Knarly :o

It was one of those trips for the memory books for sure. I laughed my ass of and had a great time. The crew busted their balls all night. It's a great boat and if you are thinking about going for squid my advice is go now now now. Who knows how long it will last.

I know this post is worthless without pics but it's too late now, so pics tomorrow.

waiting for squid

WFO on the Aloha Spirit

Our turn - full bendo

pissed off squid

pissed off squid

me with squid

late night re-bite, Jason gaffing a squid
14334, RE: June 9, 2007 - Island Spirit - giant squid
Posted by Jeremyfisher, Sun Jun-10-07 02:10 PM
Woo! I hope you didn't get INK sprayed!
14335, RE: June 9, 2007 - Island Spirit - giant squid
Posted by MountainBass, Sun Jun-10-07 02:17 PM
hahahaha that was super funny bigreenjobass! INK!!
haha just kiddin jeremy, your not funny x(. ;)

Rob, thats sweet dude! I almost got the chance to do that last year but my schedule didnt work out.

Were you dropping down way deep or what?

how did the squid taste? seems like ones that big would be tough to prepare?

14336, RE: June 9, 2007 - Island Spirit - giant squid
Posted by swimbait, Sun Jun-10-07 02:25 PM
Haven't cooked them yet. Going to cook them tonight.

We were in 700' of water. When the squid bit it was anywhere from the surface to 300 feet or so. Seemed like mostly around 200. I used 50lb triple fish braid on a 6' rod with a newell 332. Gear is not real important, you just need heavy line and plenty of it. I am proud to say that I did hit the bottom in 700' of water a couple times with a 12oz jax jig lol. I just fished iron although most people used squid jigs. They ate the iron as good or better than the jigs but I had a hard time getting them to stick all the way to the boat. Not that I really cared :)
14337, RE: June 9, 2007 - Island Spirit - giant squid
Posted by Jeremyfisher, Sun Jun-10-07 02:56 PM

So you didnt get Inked! haha.
14338, RE: June 9, 2007 - Island Spirit - giant squid
Posted by MountainBass, Sun Jun-10-07 05:04 PM
Didnt get any funnier that time around.
14339, RE: June 9, 2007 - Island Spirit - giant squid
Posted by Jeremyfisher, Sun Jun-10-07 05:05 PM
Okay im being dumb. Sorry for my posts. The INK thing isn't really funny. I apologize.
14340, RE: June 9, 2007 - Island Spirit - giant squid
Posted by swimbait, Sun Jun-10-07 06:10 PM
Jason got inked, and squirted with water. That's what happens after you gaff a few dozen squid :) I wasn't going to embarrass him with this picture but ...

14341, RE: June 9, 2007 - Island Spirit - giant squid
Posted by Jeremyfisher, Sun Jun-10-07 06:12 PM

I knew someone got inked!

14343, RE: June 9, 2007 - Island Spirit - giant squid
Posted by swimbait, Sun Jun-10-07 08:09 PM
heh, yeah .. no one opted to use the squid as water guns that I saw but there was a lot of ink flying around :)

I'm pleased to say the calamari was excellent for dinner tonight. Battered, fried for maybe 2 minutes tops, and dipped in marinanara sauce :9