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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectHistorical Fishing
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=2019
2019, Historical Fishing
Posted by MrTree, Sun May-20-01 06:37 AM
Today on Inside Sportfishing on Fox Sports Net (CH. 37 in SB) they showed a historical documentary of a party boat out of Pierpoint in LB. The film and the narration were pretty dated so as best as I could tell it was filmed in the early 50's.

Anyway, the boat, the hurricane, skippered by someone named Charlie Davis were targeting Santa Barbara Island. On the way, they ran into a big school of bluefin and albacore. They were catching a bunch but actually stopped to continue to SBI as they were going for bottomfish initially.

Then, on their trip home, believe it or not, they see a broadbill swordfish. The skipper came down on the bow and harpooned the thing and wrestled it in with the rope for about 45 minutes. They claimed it was the first swordfish to be harpooned by a partyboat.

Very cool to see the old footage of the area and the big fish so close. I was just wondering if anyone had any info. about this piece.
2020, RE: Historical Fishing
Posted by brian, Sun May-20-01 06:56 AM
I don't have any info, but I saw that today too. Michael Fowlkes was saying something about how the old president of SAC (I forgot his name) and his wife had preserved the footage or something like that.