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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectFishing 6-17 thru 6/19
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=2347
2347, Fishing 6-17 thru 6/19
Posted by , Wed Jun-20-01 04:33 AM
Finally got to get out. My son and I went down to Long Beach to go on an island trip on the Legacy. When we got there the trip was cancelled, so we jumped on the Truline with 14 anglers. Once we boarded the skipper asked if we wanted to go look for albies. We decided what the heck. We went out to the Butterfly bank. Weather was pretty good, water looked good. Trolled several hours for one fish. Found a nice paddie and boated 50 yellows. Many of these were 20-25 pounders. The big ones were chomping the live squid. I managed to get a few and got one to eat a kicker 15 heavy. My son got his first and he proudly ate the heart.

On 6/18 we fished on the 3/4 day Sea Angler out of 22st. I enjoyed the boat. The crew was very friendly. All the barracuda you wanted. Was tough on the iron bit if you stuck with it they bit. They were liking the sardine colors best. I watched two guys just hammer calicos and sandies on the plastic. Turns out it was called a WHAM or BLAM, with yellow heads. The bass were killing it. The deckhand gave my son and I a couple I was impressed with how the bass jumped on these things.

6/19 we went float tubing at Belmont Shores. Caught a short halibut and short sandbass. Going on a 2.5 day on July 1 on the Sea Adventure. It is finally time to fish
2348, RE: Fishing 6-17 thru 6/19
Posted by brian, Thu Jun-21-01 10:54 AM
Yep, the Blam with the yellow leadhead is the secret bait!!!
2349, RE: Fishing 6-17 thru 6/19
Posted by , Fri Jun-22-01 04:46 PM
I ran by the landing and spoke with Chas. he says they have been messing the bass up on the Stardust on the Blams. The best colors have been the blue and the red flake with a silver body. They are selling them at the landing. I am looking forward to giving them a try. Maybe this week on Tuesday. I am going an a 2.5 day leaving July 1 on the Sea Adventure out of H&M. Kind of a last minute thing. I have never been on the boat, but I have heard alot of good things about the skipper Chuck Taft.
2350, RE: Fishing 6-17 thru 6/19
Posted by brian, Fri Jun-22-01 05:30 PM
Paul's got the Blams and the yellow leadheads at Harbor Tackle. I caught a few fish on the clear/red flake Blam including a big old ling (could've been a BSB I guess) that I busted off on 20# last weekend. If I don't fish the Stardust on Sunday, I'll join you on Tuesday.