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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectLows and highs shore report 5/14
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=6045
6045, Lows and highs shore report 5/14
Posted by fongster, Tue May-14-02 07:40 AM
Was supposed to fish on Jeff's (calicokid) boat but we had to reschedule. So, I went solo from shore nonetheless. My hopes were down due to a bottomed out minus tide at my arrival. I tried 'the spot' Yutaka and I have had success at as of late.

Low point 1: About my 3rd cast I was into a large halibut and as a wave washed it up onto the rock a la Yutaka-style, the jighead falls free--doh! WELL-over legal (later I get a better guess as to size, read on).

Low point 2: The tide was so low, I wandered down a few beaches and around some points. On my first cast to a spot which I figured "couldn't hold any fish" and "certainly couldn't hold anything over 'just legal' if it did", I was bit by something big in about 4 feet of water. The "engulfing, feel-no-bite, just-weight" of a large calico. I had it coming and it pulled HARD. It made two surges that actually pulled me forward on the rock! Then, ping, gone--seeya--goodbye, it rocked me. This was on my stout 20# outfit too. I am speculating, but this fish had to be 7# plus as the several 6-pound class fish I've caught were nothing compared to this bad boy. Bummer.

High point/redemption 1: Wandering back, I tried the first place again. First cast and I'm on. It's a huge 'but (felt like the size of the earlier one, slightly different spot-different fish). This one I lead into a slot in the rocks. Now what? I couldn't reach it to gill grab it, so I try to bounce it. Pop! It stayed in the trough for 4 grab attempts by me--no luck. It was, by guessed length about 30 inches. Was going to release it anyway. What was Yutaka's--10.7#?

High point 2: Three casts later and I hook and land a just-over-legal, released.

So, 3 legal 'buts, a toad calico farmed. All on the 5 inch brown grunion big hammer on a 1 oz fishco head with procure dabbed on. The smaller halibut puked up a 7 inch grunion...Fished from 615-8 am.
6046, Wow...Great Fish Fongster!
Posted by TBrumfield, Tue May-14-02 03:23 PM
3 Legal Butts, and a Large Calico from the rocks? Good going!
6047, RE: Wow...Great Fish Fongster!
Posted by fongster, Tue May-14-02 05:15 PM
Although I C-and-R mostly, I wouldn't have minded keeping one of the two larger halibut--I know a gaff would seem funny on the beach but that would have been the ticket. After those two, the smaller just-legal one looked so puny I couldn't take it. And as for the calico that rocked me, I will pay more attention and pull harder early. Oh well, hindsight :-)
6048, RE: Wow...Great Fish Fongster!
Posted by Aztecwin, Tue May-14-02 05:30 PM
>Although I C-and-R mostly, I wouldn't have minded keeping
>one of the two larger halibut--I know a gaff would seem
>funny on the beach but that would have been the ticket.
>After those two, the smaller just-legal one looked so puny I
>couldn't take it. And as for the calico that rocked me, I
>will pay more attention and pull harder early. Oh well,
>hindsight :-)


Funny you should mention a gaff. Now that I'm getting into surf/flattie action, I'm thinking of purchasing one myself.

Not that I'm presumputious, just want to be prepared! :)
6049, RE: Lows and highs shore report 5/14
Posted by , Tue May-14-02 06:10 PM
Where are you bangin all these FAT flatties and TOAD calicos from shore!!! in the Laguna area???
6050, RE: Lows and highs shore report 5/14
Posted by fongster, Wed May-15-02 05:42 AM
Laguna is the place. All the beaches with legal public access--some obviously better than others. Some days they're on--some days nada. I'll go back the next day for zip. That's fishing. Catch and release on the calicos, please.
6051, RE: Lows and highs shore report 5/14
Posted by chuckwagon, Wed May-15-02 11:39 AM
Ok fongster, while you may not want to spill the beans on your honey hole (gentle ribbing, here), you're not getting off so easy. Since you obviously have some expertise, please let this here board member know what you look for in a shore spot for those big calicos and halibut. Isolated rocks v. rocky points, deep v. shallow, big v. small wave action, kelp, etc., etc.