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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectEnsenada
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=6199
6199, Ensenada
Posted by Sharkbait, Mon May-27-02 05:19 AM
From 5/24-26 my buddy jaime and I fished nothern baja.
Left early in the morning and at 8am we stopped at a good beach right before La Salina. We saw 4 local mexixan surf fisherman (unusual) and they had a bucket with three 2lb barred perch and two perch going 4lbs, plus a 32'' Halibut next to the bucket. They were using cut sardines for bait. I didn't waste anytime and went to get my rod. By now the sun is starting to come out and that always slows the bite. I had 1.5'' motor oil/red flake tied on and it was wide open for fish between 7-9''. We fished 30 minutes and got back on the road. Our goal was to try and fish Castros camp which is about 40 miles after La Bufadora. It was a hot long drive though the bumpy red desert. Went we got there and senior Castro told us he was full for the weekend and so was everyone else who had pangas. We went all the way back to ensenada and made a reservation at Sergios Sportfishing, then we got a room at a hotel right across the street, I think it was called hotel Santo tomas.
In the cold overcast morning we borded the Ensenada Clipper about 6:10am and it didn't leave until about 7:30am. The boat fished very close to Salsipudes. We had live Sardines for bait and fishing for Lingcod, Reds, Sculpin, Bocaccio and Rockfish was very good. A couple times Lingcod is all that was biting. The biggest fish on the boat was a 15lb Lingcod and 20lb accidental Halibut. After that was over we went to camp at La jolla beach which is a few miles before La Bufadora. It was very crowded but I didn't really care. We set up camp and Jaime went to go play volleyball with some other people and at 6pm and I went out to the beach with my bait and fishing pole. There was very little surf and casted out some ghost shrimp. Usually it is very good for corbina here, I've gotten 10 fish in a afternoon before and none of the fish were under 3lbs. But that afternoon and I didn't get one hit with the shrimp. So I tied on a 3'' clear/ red flake Big Hammer and nailed a 16'' halibut right away. I ended up getting 7 halibut between 16-21'' plus two needle fish that came off while leaping in the air. People actually came up to me and wanted to buy some BH. On the way back to my tent a guy with a couple of 10' rods had about 4 smallish corbina and 12'' Bonefish that he caught on mussel.
We packed up in the morning and started heading home with a cooler full of fish. We stopped at a couple of beaches around mid-day but the sun was bright with swimmers in the water so we didn't catch anything. Crossing the border took about 45 minutes which was not too bad. We also stopped at San Onofre beach but that beach had to many rocks and kelp. So I only caught a 20'' smooth hound on ghost shrimp. Got home around 7pm. The whole trip was just as I expected, except for the sucky fishing on Sunday. Sorry this report was sooo long.
6200, RE: Ensenada
Posted by TBrumfield, Mon May-27-02 12:48 PM
Anthony, cool report...even though the fishing wasn't red hot, it sounds like you had a fun trip.