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Forum nameSaltwater Fishing in California
Topic subjectSanta Cruz surf and pier
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=6664
6664, Santa Cruz surf and pier
Posted by Sharkbait, Fri Jun-28-02 04:49 AM
Since fishing down south wasn't too great my cousins decided that I should go up north with them. I stayed up there from 22-27. We fished on two of the days I was there. The first day was the 25th. We surf fished Seacliff state beach for fast action on barred and walleye perch with a few big jacksmelt, bullheads, and a sanddab. Since we were catching smaller fish we decided to try another spot. He took me to Sunset State beach and we only caught some more huge jacksmelt and a couple of walleye perch. On the 26th we went to the Santa Cruz warf and fished off the pier. Again there was fast action on small fish. I caught some baby lingcod, baby bocaccio, pile perch, shiner perch, and lots of small sanddabs. A guy near the surf area caught a nice halibut about 28'' on a live anchovy. Now I'm back home and it's good to sleep in my bed again.