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Topic subjecttop10 big bass fisherman?
Topic URLhttp://www.calfishing.com/dc/dcboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=5&topic_id=2149
2149, top10 big bass fisherman?
Posted by EricH, Sun Jan-19-03 08:58 PM
looking for opions on the top ten big bass fisherman alive. whats your opion? thanks eric
2150, RE: top10 big bass fisherman?
Posted by Taylor, Sun Jan-19-03 09:19 PM
Mike Long no question.
2151, RE: top10 big bass fisherman?
Posted by bassnet, Sun Jan-19-03 09:54 PM
Oh yeah, Mike Long #1 for sure- gotta have Lunker Bill on that list, Crupi, Kadota, Siemantel, Perry gets in there for the 22-4. Troy Folkstead is good. Rob is on my top ten list as well. Not too many guys that whack the big girls consistently.

**edit** George Perry is no longer with us, so I guess he doesn't make the list.
2152, RE: top10 big bass fisherman?
Posted by brian, Sun Jan-19-03 10:26 PM
1. Mike Long
2. John Kerr
3. Mike Gash
4. Bob Crupi
5. Bill Murphy
6. Bill Siementel
7. Rod Thigpin
8. Jerry Rago
9. Scott Whitmer
10. Eric Huff
2153, RE: top10 big bass fisherman?
Posted by Jeff, Mon Jan-20-03 06:21 AM
You guys don't want to forget Joe Uribe Jr. Great big biat fisherman, always tearing them up.
2154, RE: top10 big bass fisherman?
Posted by EricH, Mon Jan-20-03 08:03 AM
here are some guys that come to mind in my area. Mike long, the uribe's, greg vella(japan), cy fuki, thigpins, velvick, crupi, harrison, kadota, murphy, semintel, john csorba(catches big fishin tourneys), todd holder(same as john), buckley, and I still feel the best big fish fisherman of all time is Jim Mason. He doesn't fish much anymore but if you were to ask randy at lake casitas he would tell you that Jim has caught far more big fish then anyone else there. I know for a fact through fishing w/ him(he and I had a 10 double digit fish day) and photos, he has caught over 1000 (believe it or not. I have watched him fish big fish since 1983) ten pound plus fish. I also give jim credit for being the first big bait fisherman in southern california. I was selling the guy 6 and 7" renowskis in 1985 thinking he was crazy (at the time that was a huge bait). Marv bendalin met him in my shop and they created the dinosaur lure. Also there was a book written about big fish in the 90's, jim is in it everywhere. What is really amazing is in the book you will see the names of the guys who had caught big fish @ the time and jim is connected to at least helf of them. Hats off to long he is the best now but I look at jim as the best of all time. well that should get a few comments. hahahaha thanks eric (eric's tackle shop, ventura)
2171, RE: top10 big bass fisherman?
Posted by EricH, Thu Jan-23-03 06:13 PM
talked to mason today. fished w/ another casitas local, jay carter. Said it was tough but he scratched a ten plus on "the stump". Fished an osprey he rigged for deep water. Also said he heard the thigpin's had another ten plus today. The lake could turn on soon.
2155, RE: top10 big bass fisherman?
Posted by swimbait, Mon Jan-20-03 10:12 AM
This is a tough one. I would say Mike Long number one, everyone else not quite number one. Many good fisherman have already been mentioned. It's hard to put them in order. Different guys are good at different techniques. There are a lot of good big bass fisherman outside of California that we don't know much about too.

2160, Doug Hannon
Posted by Lake, Wed Jan-22-03 10:46 AM
That is a great list ya'll have put together but in my opinion i would have to say for "all time" Doug Hannon would make the top 3.
2161, RE: Doug Hannon
Posted by brian, Wed Jan-22-03 12:28 PM
ooo, good one.
2162, best bass fisherman
Posted by 59lbwsb, Wed Jan-22-03 06:48 PM
Id have to say,
1. Mike Long
2. Jon Kerr
3. Rob
4. crupi
5.Brian #1
2163, RE: Doug Hannon
Posted by bassnet, Wed Jan-22-03 10:39 PM
was he the guy that made the epic vids back in the day??
2164, RE: Doug Hannon
Posted by brian, Wed Jan-22-03 11:04 PM
Yeah I think he made a couple videos, but I've never seen any of em.
2165, RE: Doug Hannon
Posted by DoubleTrouble, Wed Jan-22-03 11:19 PM
You guys aren't even close on this one. Am I the only one who will tell it the way it's here? The list goes as follows:

1) Brian #2
2) Brian #3
3) Brian #1
4) Brian #112
5) Brian #236

The best is undoubtedly Brian #2!
2166, RE: Doug Hannon
Posted by DoubleTrouble, Wed Jan-22-03 11:20 PM
You guys aren't even close on this one. Am I the only one who will tell it the way it's here? The list goes as follows:

1) Brian #2
2) Brian #3
3) Brian #1
4) Brian #112
5) Brian #236

The best is undoubtedly Brian #2! Who's Mike Long? Must be Howie Long's brother or Long Duck Dong's twin.
2178, mike long
Posted by hithelip, Sat Jan-25-03 12:10 AM
Does anybody know a way to contact Mike Long? I've read many of his articles and am a big fan of his, i'd like to contact him because i want to colaborate ways to nail the bigger smarter stripers at skinner. i realize he's not known for striper fishing but i believe he's aware of secrets regarding that lake. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

ps. if anyone knows any secrets or has any recent reports regarding large striper fishing at skinner please share them, as i would be glad to return the favor. i understand if you want to keep things from the general public to avoid crowds and overfishing so if u want to talk over something less public (email,instant messenger,etc.)i would be glad to.
2181, top 10
Posted by 59lbwsb, Sat Jan-25-03 09:51 AM
almost forgot Fish Chris