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swimbaitSun Dec-28-08 10:04 PM
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#10887, "Fishing Logs"



Nico has been posting a lot of the stuff from our database collected over the past 9 years or so. I put hundreds of hours in to that deal, and pored over it ad nauseum along the way trying to derive some useful information. There's over 500 bass over 5lbs logged in the database from 15 or so different lakes. It's good data, enough to offer strong statistical significance.

There's no shortage of interesting patterns that emerge as you paw through, as we've seen in this week's posts. I've often thought of doing some multiple linear regressions to see which combinations of variables offer the best predictions. It's easy to do in Excel but it might be a bit of a mind bender trying to apply things in real world situations.

If I were a guide or a professional angler who was on the water hundreds of days per year I would study it even more and try to really fine tune my fishing to anticipate success. There could be real opportunities to take what you learn from logs and apply it in a meaningful way.

As it is I'm a weekend warrior. I'm married and like to keep it that way. I work 9-6 and get 3 weeks of vacation. I own a house now and that's a lot of work on top of the day to day. The fishing days choose me more often than not. I don't choose them.

So when the day for fishing comes over the past few years, I find myself more focused on season and condition. Success for me comes when the strategy matches the day. For example if it's sunny and post front, I may fish deeper or slower. Light level may cause me to change lure color. Wind may cause me to change lure depth or speed of retrieve.

Seldom do I have the luxury of saying aha, this is the best moon phase so I will go and fish. It has happened, and I have had good days doing that, but even then local condition can override otherwise favorable factors. It's a hard game to chase. It's one that requires a lot of time.

As a side note, Matt Servant made a point in an earlier post about how he feels that moon phase may have more effect on large bodies of water. My feeling is the opposite. I think that larger bodies of water have more conditions that can negate moon phase. Things like water level, current, clarity, and temperature can change so drastically on big bodies of water like the delta and clear lake - where on a smaller lake they may not change much at all.

There are a few small lakes that I fish that have fairly constant condition in terms of water level, clarity and temperature. Those are the lakes where I see moon phase having the most effect. But even then it is no sure thing in the face of seasonality, wind, and weather pattern. Matt - I wouldn't feel the least bit bad about not finding reliable trends around moon phase in your logs.

This week I've been reading a book called "Outliers" by Malcolm Gladwell (he wrote "Blink" and "The Tipping Point" which are good ones as well). In the book he talks about how studies of professional athletes, musicians and similar disciplines have shown that the most successful in their fields typically practice a minimum of 10,000 hours before becoming a true master or expert.

When I think about the best anglers in fishing, it seems likely that the 10,000 number is a valid one. That's 1250 days, and we can be assured that the Kevin Van Dams of the world have done it. Meanwhile, I might be at 6,000 lifetime (roughly), though only 3,000 in bass fishing at the most. I'm 30 years old.

To me that signals a long ways to go. Perhaps a lifetime. Which is a fun thing to think about :) but daunting. Which brings the thought back around to the beginning which is that taking logs of your fishing may take you to a certain point, but by the time you are truly an expert at 10,000 hours - most everything will be internalized and require no more conscious thought.

So should we take logs at all, or just fish more? I don't know the answer to that one.


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MattluresSun Dec-28-08 11:33 PM
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#10888, "RE: Fishing Logs"
In response to Reply # 0



Great points Rob. When I was keeping my logs it was 95% night fishing at small ponds. There was definatley certain conditions and patterns I found but the moon phase was the least important. I was very suprised whan I made my chart comparring moon phases. i though for sure it would be the dominating factor especialy at night. At night the most important was the temp and the timing. The temp dictated which baits/depth and the timing dictated when during the night the fish would go off. I definatly think keeping logs could be very valuable. I am just soo bad at this. I honestly dont even keep count of how many big bass I have caught. I realy should but i kinda feel its a little late now. I know guys like Mike Long have very detailed logs and pictures to go with them. Not to mention he has a network of skilled guys to compare notes with. He just about has them dialed in before he even gets to the lake.
As far as 10,000 hrs that sound about right. I have spent about 20 years fishing San Diego bay hard with a group of guys and we are extremly competetive. I probably put in close to that many hours not to mention comparring results with my "team" At this point I feel I dont need notes or logs, I just kinda know where and how to get the bay bass. I wish I was that good in the freash water. Maybe if I wasnt soo lazy and kept logs I could be. Right now I rely on, on the water observations combined with past experiences. Sometimes it takes me a while to get on fish though. I think all the log info would definatley cut down on the "looking" time. Dang I might have to start doing them again. Thanks alot ROB!!! x(



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NicoMon Dec-29-08 12:33 AM
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#10889, "RE: Fishing Logs"
In response to Reply # 0



Rob has spent an unreal amount of effort entering data into fishing logs (1,134 fish over 5lbs, 460 over 10 lbs), but I'm a bit more skeptical about the science. Comparing fish caught in lakes across our state introduces a mind-numbing amount of variables.

Some stats are interesting, such as moon phases, time of day, month of year, etc. These are less likely to be muddied by other conditions. Other data is more confusing. It's quite likely that flipping in 2ft on one lake is the dominant big fish pattern while throwing swimbaits in 40 feet is the dominant on another at the same time. By the the time you've dealt with all the underlying conditions, 1100 fish isn't quite enough. 500-1000 from one lake might do it.

By far the most useful data for me is simply the date each fish was caught. I often forget if that hot bite 4 years ago was, for example, in late January or early March. If I see that we caught a bunch of fish in late Jan 4 years ago I can be pretty sure I can go out this year at the same time and do good as well, assuming lake conditions are reasonably similar.

In the past this has helped me out a lot to repeat big fish bites year after year. I hope the logs will do the same with locking down sets of patterns for tournament fishing in the same way.


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magmasterMon Dec-29-08 02:03 PM
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#10891, "RE: Fishing Logs"
In response to Reply # 2



I keep a log from one of the smaller lakes I fish. Once I think I can pattern the fish the lake changes. Every year it has been inconsistent to say the least. Moon phase from what I can tell only affects the spawn. I have caught some better fish around the full moon but not enough to say it was because of the moon phase. Typically I find more in water temp, time of day and wind conditions on most lakes. Once you have that figured out then you can eliminate a lot of things. Then again they are bass and they can change at a moments notice. I just need to learn how to read the conditions faster. I guess that is where the 10,000 hours comes in :-)


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