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Last is to catch the fish. When you find the fish you want, circle the bed to get your boat into the best possible position. As you are circling, look around the nest and into deep water. Many times the fish I thought were female were in fact just a big male. First I will describe how to fish a bed with a female on it with the male.

After positioning the boat I take my go-to bait, which is a white 1/2oz jig and flip it past the fish (the flip should be far enough past the nest to where the splash doesn’t affect the fish if at all possible). Remember that the fish (“cone of vision”) don’t see as well looking up as they do looking straight ahead. When flipping past the nest you will give the bass a longer time to engage the bait. At first the male will take the bait to protect the female, and just pop it out of his mouth. Tighten the line and pop it, the Bass will taste and feel the hook then spit out the bait. Watch the female, because the minute the male spits the bait the female will start to engage the bait. When the male picks up the bait, you use very small pulls, just like you would jig the bait on the bottom. The male will feel and taste the hook and spit it. Watch the female’s fins and body motions when doing this. Her mannerisms will change and she will engage the bait. Just because she doesn’t go for the bait doesn’t mean she’s not engaged. She will flutter her fins and tail more and you can see her getting excited. She may not eat the bait, but keep casting closer and closer. Remember, if she eats it once she will eat it again! If she doesn’t take the bait correctly, don’t force a hook set. Depending on the way she takes it, most of the time I will pop it out of her mouth the first time to get a more violent attack the second time. Just because the female doesn’t go nose down and dart at the bait doesn’t mean she not engaged. Watch the female’s fins and body mannerisms, she will tell you when she’s engaged. The big females will stop moving. Once she moves her Pectoral and Caudal (tail) fins you will know she in engaged! These big females got their size because they are very smart. Keep casting past the nest and jigging it in. Flip past the nest and jig it in. The male will bite, and continue popping it out of his mouth. Keep repeating this. The female will see the male can’t take care of the problem and will eventually eat the bait herself. Its like our wives say, you can’t send a man to do a woman’s job (only kidding). Swing for the fence. I call it FREE SWINGS, don’t hold back. Get that good hook set. I can’t count how many times I have popped the jig out of the male’s mouth and had the female slurp it up before it even hits the ground!

Now if you are fishing a bed with a spooky female. I would first start with the Matt Lures Bluegill. Cast far past the nest, reel it in, and stop the bait on the nest. Watch for the female. If she doesn’t react, I would change to a jig. Work the jig and let the male play with it. And remember, if the female is on the nest, she will engage the bait if she feels the male cannot take care of the nest. Also, remember to be patient. I have set on fish for 3-4 hours before getting them to bite. The fish know your there, you just have to make them mad enough to bite your bait. I love nothing more then to come up on a bass that someone else was fishing, but eventually gave up on.  I can usually get them on my boat deck in a matter of minutes!

When are your chances the greatest? I believe that the first month of spawning is your best bet to catch a monster. The first week of spawn is when I do my best on BIG fish! After that first full moon I will pound the shallows were the sandy flats meet steep drop-offs. Some times you will get those big fish later on, but there is nothing like those first weeks.
Good Luck,
    Zach Meredith

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