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Treble Hooks
I just got some treble hooks for my trout lures. I bought some Gamakatsu 4X 1/0 thru 4/0 black hooks and some Owner 2X 2/0 #st-47 stinger Hooks also b
robborMar-05-02 11:18 PM
by robbor
Articles on sight/bed fishing
Does anybody know of some good articles on sight fishing for bass on the web. I'd like to know some techniques other than what I already know. I know
BucketmouthMar-05-02 01:31 PM
by swimbait
Big Bass Days of March Pages 1 | 2
Announcing a Big Bass contest for Calfishing.com registered users. For the month of March 2002, a contest to see who can catch, photograph, and post a
CJMar-05-02 01:11 PM
by jsmith
Plug painting revisited
Well I thought I would share my more recent lure painting findings. I tried two overcoats lately. One is called Helmsman, it's a varathane type thin
swimbaitMar-05-02 08:44 AM
by jsmith
Osprey Lures
Does anybody have a source to get Osprey lures at a bulk discounted rate? Besides Umaxco ?? I fish about 5 days a week and belive it or not neither Um
ShawnMar-04-02 08:12 PM
by Jacques
Tilapia plug sneak preview
Got chris' tilapia plug all primered up today, and I was gonna take a picture of it as is, but decided to torture you guys a little more. Here's a si
brianMar-04-02 01:52 PM
by CJ
Assalt Jigs - Webpage/ Online ordering?
Perhaps Rob (or anyone else) can help. Does "Assalt Jigs" have a website and where can one order those jigs online? Thanks in anticipation!
JacquesMar-03-02 10:39 PM
by Jacques
Whats the deal with Castaic Bait Co.
I have been trying to get a hold of the Castaic Bait co. today with no luck. At Castaic.com the phone numbers are bad and the Email won't go through.
robborMar-03-02 05:27 PM
by robbor
C RIG gets 11.5 lber!!!!
Ol Jeff got his first 10+ today and WHAT A PIG!!!!! Ill let him tell you guys the rest!!!! Congrats Jeff!!!!! Mike
Mike in SJMar-03-02 05:31 AM
by Fish Chris
When will Mike Long break the world record?
brianMar-02-02 10:07 AM
by Chris
Bill Siemantel
The NorCal Trophy Hunters Bass Club brought Bill Siemantel up to Sacramento to speak at our meeting tonight. He was extremely entertaining and shared
ToadMar-01-02 09:46 AM
by Toad
Cahcuma Lake hawgs........
Does anybody know if Lake Cachumas had Florida strain bass?? What is the lake record? Thanks a lot
andreFeb-27-02 10:38 PM
by agtmjb
Plug PIcs Needed Badly
My friends in Oklahoma are going crazy over your baits. We got all the pics of this page and the websites. Will you guys hook me up with all the pics
Trey KenyonFeb-26-02 08:02 PM
by Jacques
first osprey bite
I fished this morning before work throwing the osprey trout, untouched for 45 minutes then I cast on the outside of a boat and BAM a 4 pounder short b
fishtraxFeb-26-02 04:26 PM
by CJ
Best days to fish
I'm planning on taking some time off work in late March to go after some pigs. According to moon phases, what days would be best to fish, the fish sh
BucketmouthFeb-26-02 04:27 AM
by SJ
Has anyone out there been catching halibut locally (SoCal)? It's that time again... One more question: Have any of you guys ever used crankbaits for
chervellaFeb-25-02 03:56 PM
by Scott Gurney
Underated Huge Bass food
Last summer I saw a five pound bass eat a 2 foot long water mocassin. Since I have been reading about the huge fish you catch on trout lures it got me
Trey kenyonFeb-25-02 01:04 PM
by robbor
12" Castaic Trout
Has anyone used the 12" Castaic Trout? Boy is that thing BIG. That one little hook looks wierd on a bait that big.
robborFeb-24-02 08:58 PM
by robbor
Old Salt Rods
Last weekend I fixed up an old Glass Salt rod to try un till I get my new rod. The old rod is one of the clear yellow glass rods 8' that has a long w
robborFeb-24-02 08:31 PM
by robbor
Got love and rejection
I went to a small local lake today to give it another shot. I had a small follower after about 15 casts. The got hit after about 45 min. I used rob
robborFeb-24-02 07:56 PM
by robbor
Quick bite
I was told by a coworker that fished casitas, that alot of the time the fish nails the swimbait as soon as it hits the water, Have you guys had this h
robborFeb-24-02 06:18 PM
by Nico
I need a crying forum
I went to Casitas today.(sigh)(big sigh) this was my first trip with my new Calcutta 820 rod and 400 te reel. I fished all morning with a 12" MS Slamm
robborFeb-24-02 09:55 AM
by Leif
Would anyone like to help me?
I haven't been fishing in about 15 years. Last time I went I was REALLY young, basically I was barely old enough to let somebody else cast for me, the
Fish Outa WaterFeb-23-02 12:18 PM
by Fish Outa Water
A few Slammer questions
Ok well since Walton's Pond got in the 2/0 Gammies for my Slammer I got some. I am wondering though if I should have done it how it was originally do
Carrot TopFeb-22-02 06:42 PM
by Carrot Top
I havent heard of ANY Z-Plug catches! what dou you guys think of it?
PatrickFeb-21-02 03:47 PM
by Palmdale Shane
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